(a)&(b): In order to improve production & productivity in Eastern part of the country a
new Centrally Sponsored Scheme, ` On Farm Water Management` is proposed for
implementation during the IX Five Year Plan in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand,
Chattisgarh, Eastern U.P. W.B. (9 districts), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam Manipur, and
Mizoram. Under the scheme, financial assistance for shallow tube wells, dug wells, lift
irrigation points, diesel pump sets would be provided through NABARD as credit linked
scheme. The proposed pattern of funding provides for 20% beneficiary`s contribution,
30% assistance from Government of India and 50% loan from NABARD.
(c)&(d): The Government of Bihar had submitted a proposal on Million Shallow Tube
wells Scheme to the Planning Commission who suggested to this Ministry to cover this
under the `On Farm Water Management Scheme`. The suggestion of the Planning
Commission has been taken into account in the scheme. Besides, Planning
Commission have allocated an additional central assistance of Rs.25.5 crore to the
Government of Bihar under the State Plan to implement the Million Shallow Tube Well