Question : Centre Buffer Couplers

(a) whether the Government has decided to replace the existing Centre Buffer Couplers (CBCs) of Rajdhani Express to make the train ride jerk free and improve safety;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the unique characteristics of new design of CBCs;

(c) the number of coaches wherein CBCs are to be replaced and the total expenditure likely to be incurred to replace the existing CBCs;

(d) whether the Government has experimented the new design of CBCs and if so, the details and the outcome thereof along with the time by which it is likely to be replaced; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to replace CBCs of other trains?

Answer given by the minister



(a): Yes, Madam. It has been decided to replace the Centre Buffer Couplers (CBCs) of LHB (Linke Hofmann Busch) type coaches fitted with Single pack draft gear or Floating plate draft gear with CBCs with Balanced draft gear to mitigate the jerks in the train ride. This includes Rajdhani train LHB coaches as well as LHB coaches of other trains..

(b): The new design CBCs have Balanced draft gear which has been optimized for passenger comfort. With the introduction of CBCs with Balanced draft gear, the jerks have reduced significantly.

(c): Sanction for the retrofitment of improved design CBCs with Balanced draft gear in 1350 LHB coaches is already available under Rolling Stock Programme (RSP) and provision of the same in 500 more LHB coaches has been sought under RSP 17-18 at a cost of ? 5 lac per coach. The approximate cost for this work in 1850 LHB coaches at a cost of ? 5 lac per coach would be ? 92.5 crore.
(d): Yes, Madam. A detailed study was carried by Research Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO)/Lucknow on new CBCs for evaluation of the jerks and the specification of CBCs with balanced draft gear was developed by RDSO. The jerk levels on the new design were found significantly lower than earlier design.
The progress of the work of replacement of CBCs of LHB type coaches fitted with Single pack draft gear or Floating plate draft gear with CBCs with Balanced draft gear depends upon the capacity and availability of funds and therefore no timelines can be ascertained.

(e): It has been decided to replace CBCs of LHB type coaches fitted with Single pack draft gear or Floating plate draft gear with CBCs with Balanced draft gear. This includes Rajdhani train LHB coaches as well as LHB coaches of other trains.

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