Question : Legal education

(a) whether there is an urgent need for imparting a continuing and well organised legal education in the country in view of growing challenges posed by new trends in the world over;

(b) if so, the reaction of Government thereto; and

(c) the steps being taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir.

(b)&(c):The Bar Council of India at its meeting held on 24th & 25th August, 2001 considered a suggestion put forward by the Chairman, Bar Council of India regarding establishment of a National Instituted for conducting refresher courses for advocates. The Council was of the opinion that in principle the idea be accepted and steps be explored for establishing training institute for lawyers.

The Bar Council of India has been trying to improve the standards of legal education in the past. The Council had recently revised the curriculum prescribed for the LL.B degree course by thoroughly revising it and introducing a number of new subjects, which are relevant and useful. The earlier syllabus was framed almost two decades ago and the Council felt that same is not in tune with changing scenario in view of globalisation taking place. The newly introduced curriculum for the LL.B gives more importance to practical training aspects of the legal education and the scheme for practical training has been evolved by the Council in such a manner that it gives the law students the much needed professional training during the course of study which they undergo.