Question : PMAY-G in Odisha

(a) whether the Government has proposed to start the work of next phase under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G), if so, the details thereof including the time by which it is likely to be started particularly Koraput and Rayagada Districts in Odisha and if not, the reasons therefor;

(b) whether the names of the villages in the Rayagada and Koraput district of Odisha under the said scheme have been finalized, if so, the details thereof and the time by which the houses are proposed to be allotted to the people and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(c) the number of houses proposed to be allotted under the next phase in coming three years in the Rayagada and Koraput district of Odisha along with the details of the people who got houses in the district during the last two years under the said scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) In order to achieve “Housing for All” in rural areas, the Ministry of Rural Development is implementing the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana- Gramin (PMAY-G) with effect from 1st April, 2016 to provide assistance to eligible rural households with an overall target to construct 2.95 crore pucca houses with basic amenities by March, 2024.

As per the information available, the State Government of Odisha has finalized the names of the villages to be covered in the Rayagada and Koraput districts of Odisha under PMAY-G. The total number of villages covered is 2106 in 182 Gram Panchayats (GPs) in 11 Blocks of Rayagada district and 1722 villages in 236 GPs in 14 Blocks of Koraput district. The targets allocated to these villages by the State can be seen on PMAY-G website on -----> AwaasSoft----> Reports----->Annual target and allocation.

The targets under PMAY-G are set annually on the basis of availability of eligible beneficiaries, achievements of targets allocated during the preceding years and proposal of the State/UT. After allocation of annual targets, further distribution of targets among beneficiaries in various districts/blocks/villages is done by the States/UTs on the basis of eligible number of beneficiaries in the Permanent Wait List (PWL). The Ministry has already allocated full target of 26,95,837 houses to Odisha, including 8,17,513 from the Awaas+ list. Out of this, 18,36,614 houses have been sanctioned to the beneficiaries. Balance 8,59,233 houses still remain to be sanctioned by the State to the beneficiaries.

The phase-wise details of the State of Odisha along with Rayagada and Koraput districts as on 02.02.2022 are given as under:

(Units in Nos.)
State/ District Phase-I Phase-II
(2016-17 to 2018-19) (2019-20 onwards till 02.02.2022)
Target allocated Houses sanctioned Houses Target allocated Houses sanctioned Houses
to the state by to the beneficiaries Completed to the state by to the Completed
the Ministry by the State the Ministry beneficiaries
by the State

Odisha 9,92,558 9,92,452 9,41,676 17,03,279 8,44,163 7,36,733

Rayagada 21,431 21,425 20,432 19,162 16,442 14,588

Koraput 30,143 30,132 29,032 24,688 24,679 23,028

The details of the beneficiaries who have been sanctioned houses in these districts during the last two years can be seen on PMAY-G website on> AwaasSoft----> Reports----->Houses progress against the target financial year.


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