(a) whether there are reports of violation of safety norms fixed for mining activities by certain companies in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the casualties that took place due to such violations during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) the action taken by the Government to check violation of safety norms fixed for mining activities; and

(d) the details of the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) : A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 118 for 16.11.2010 regarding violation of safety norms of mining by Dr. Mahendrasinh P. Chauhan and Shri Yashband N. S. Laguri

(a) & (b): As per information available from Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS), Ministry of Labour and Employment there are no specific reports of violations of safety norms by any specific company. However, violations of safety norms are observed by Inspecting Officers of DGMS during the course of their inspections under Mines Act, 1952 and enquiries in mines and communicated to the mining companies. During the enquiries of fatal accidents, details of violations observed and number of fatal accidents alongwith fatalities for the last three years and the current year are given below:

Year	No. of violations observed during enquiries of fatal accidents	No. of fatal accidents	No. of fatalities	2007	245	132	142	2008	317	145	179	2009	259	127	147	2010	140	119	175	Note: Figures for the year 2010 are provisional. 

(c) Regular inspections are carried out by the DGMS officers of Ministry of Labour and Employment to implement health and safety norms provided under the Mines Act, 1952 and its Rules & Regulations framed thereunder. These legislations are Coal Mines Regulations 1957, Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 and Oil Mines Regulations 1984 wherein clear cut guidelines to implement engineering safety have been given in detail. Each and every fatal accident occurred in mines are also enquired into by the officers of DGMS and based on the findings of enquiry necessary actions are taken against the persons held responsible for the accident.

(d) Details of violation letters issued by DGMS, Ministry of Labour and Employment to persons violating safety norms are given below.
Zone/ Year	2007	2008	2009	2010	No. of Violations issued	No. of Violations issued	No. of Violations issued	No. of Violations issued	Central Zone	3699	3643	3496	4645	Eastern Zone	4568	5312	4265	3526	Northern Zone	5205	5370	4620	3049	South Eastern Zone	4940	6965	7135	2055	Southern Zone	7972	9073	9779	1927	Western zone	4952	4010	3904	2522	North Western zone	-	-	-	1826	South central zone	-	-	-	3852	Total	31336	34373	33199	23402
Note: The last two Zones are newly created Zones. Figures for the year 2010 are provisional.

Details of the number of improvement notices and number of prohibitory orders issued by DGMS, Ministry of Labour and Employment to mines are given below:

Improvement notices and prohibitory orders (under Section 22 of Mines Act and under Reg. 103/108 of Coal/ Metalliferous Mines Regulations)
Year	Coal Mines	Non Coal Mines	Notices Issued	Orders issued	Notices Issued	Orders issued	Section 22(1) or 22A(1)	Reg. 103	Section 22(1A) or 22(3)	Reg. 103	Section 22(1A) or 22(3)	Reg.108	Section 22(1A) or 22(3)	Reg. 108	2007	122	Nil	49	Nil	85	Nil	174	Nil	2008	85	1	36	1	88	Nil	161	Nil	2009	99	Nil	25	Nil	56	Nil	106	Nil	2010	47	Nil	11	Nil	22	Nil	24	Nil	Note: Figures for the year 2010 are Provisional