Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Ministry is aware that the lack of a periodic hazard and vulnerability assessment for buildings in urban areas leading to a number of untoward accidents including the collapse and disintegration of public buildings/complexes.
(b) if so, whether the Ministry proposes to consider directing the States/Union Territories to conduct regular Hazard and Vulnerability assessments for buildings/complexes including measures to check the availability of safety equipment, accessibility for water tenders, evacuation routes, early warning systems, accessibility to emergency services, damage and electrical insulation to ensure that buildings are resilient to disasters;
(c) whether the Government also proposes mandating the States/Union Territories to submit a periodic vulnerability assessment report to their respective State Disaster Management Authorities which was recently conducted in the State of Kerala, to determine the vulnerability of public buildings/complexes, particularly of schools, public offices and hospitals; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?