Question : Strengthening of Panchayati Raj System

(a) whether the Government has prepared a draft to further strengthen the Panchayati Raj System and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the number and details of Panchayats and Panchayat representatives awarded in the country during the last three years, State-wise; and

(c) the amount of funds allocated by the Government under the Development Head to all the Panchayats during the last three years, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Panchayat, being “Local Government”, is a State subject and part of State list of Seventh Schedule of Constitution of India. Mandate for setting up of Panchayats is provided by Article 246 in Part IX of the Constitution of India. Accordingly the Panchayats are setup and operate through the respective State Panchayati Raj Acts.

(b) MoPR incentivises the Panchayats/States/UTs under the sub-scheme of Incentivization of Panchayats to encourage competitive spirit among Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and States/ UTs, awards including financial incentives are given annually to best performing Panchayats (District, Intermediate and Gram) and States/UTs.

State/UT-wise details of awards given to Panchayats during the last three years are at Annexure I.

(c) Under the Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) for the award period year 2015-2020, grants to the tune of Rs. 2,00,292.20 Crores are being devolved , amounting to an assistance of Rs. 488 per capita per annum at an aggregate level to the Gram Panchayats constituted under Part IX of the Constitution to 26 States for delivering basic services, namely, water supply, sanitation, sewerage, solid waste management, storm water drainage, maintenance of community assets, roads, footpath, street lighting, burial and cremation grounds etc. and any other basic services entrusted under State Legislations etc. Detailed statement of State-wise status of allocation of FFC Grants for Gram Panchayats during the last three years is at Annexure-II.


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