(a) whether the Government has studied the sanitation facilities that are in vogue in different parts of the country, particularly in metro and other major cities;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Union Government provides funds to the various State Governments, Non-Governmental Organisations(NGOs), Charitable Trusts/Institutions for the construction of community toilets and sanitation facilities in various States, including semi-urban areas of the country; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Yes, Madam.

(b) : The Ministry of Urban Development has conducted survey on sanitation in 423 Class-I cities including mega and metros cities in the country for rating of cities. Under the rating exercise, cities were classified under Four color categories, Red, Black, Blue and Green. The exercise reveals that No city falls under Green category (more than 90 marks), 419 cities falls under Black and Red categories which have scored less than 67 marks and 4 cities, viz., Chandigarh, Mysore, New Delhi Municipal Council and Surat falls under Blue category which have scored above 66 but less than 90 marks out of 100. Almost all cities report complete elimination of manual scavenging. More than 50 cities reported 90% or above safe collection of human excreta. The study helps them to improve the status of sanitation through various ongoing programme and innovative initiatives.

(c)&(d) : The Ministry of Urban Development does not provide funds to the Non Government organizations & Charitable trusts for construction of Community toilets and Sanitation facilities. However, in order to supplement the effort of State Government, the Ministry of Urban Development launched Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) in 2005 with a view to provide financial assistance for creating infrastructure facilities in all the urban areas of the country including sanitation with a reform oriented agenda. Under Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG) Sub-Mission of JNNURM, Sanitation (Sewerage, Drainage and Solid Waste Management) is the admissible component of grant of Additional Central Assistance (ACA). So far 229 projects on Sanitation (Sewerage, Drainage and Solid Waste Management) Sector have been approved with approved cost of Rs.2535296.10 lakh and ACA commitment of Rs.1162638.37 lakh for various Mission cities during the Mission period i.e. 2005-2012.

The Ministry of Urban Development has also launched a scheme on 10% Lump-sum provision for the Development of North Eastern Region including Sikkim details are at Annexure I and Sewerage projects sanctioned under Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme in Satellite Towns around seven mega cities (UIDSST) at (Annexure II)