Question : Research and Development in the Field of Medicines

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the country is lagging behind in the research and development of medicines especially in regenerative medicines;

(b) if so, the details thereof and measures taken up by the Government to boost research and development to meet the global standards;

(c) the steps taken up to pace up clinical trials and regulatory requirements in the field of medicines; and

(d) the targets set and goals achieved in this regard along with funds allocated for the same during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): No. Research activities in the field of regenerative medicines in the country are being supported by various agencies like Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Department of Bio-Technology, Department of Science & Technology and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, etc. ICMR has been promoting research activities in the form of Adhoc-investigators initiated projects, fellowships and Task Force activities.

(c) & (d): Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has been pursuing Research & Development activities in the domain of drugs and pharmaceuticals with focus on affordable healthcare which include understanding the disease biology; disease diagnostics; drug discovery and development; high end chemistry based process development for generic drugs and creating innovative platforms for enhancing the innovation in the domain. The disease areas covered include tuberculosis, malaria, leishmania, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, bone fracture, reproductive dysfunction and contraceptives. CSIR efforts are for preventive health and disease management, development of next generation bio-therapeutics, understanding the mechanism of complex diseases, system based drug design, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine and understanding bio-energetic disorders. ICMR has established centre for Advanced Research at Government Stanley Medical College, Chennai for Hepatocyte progenitor isolation characterization and transplantation in liver diseases.
ICMR in collaboration with Department of Bio-Technology has formulated National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research to conduct research in scientific and ethical manner.
Details regarding funds allocated for the same is not available.

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