Question : Cadre Review

(a) whether the Government has approved or likely to approve the cadre review policy for the Junior Commissioned Officers and other ranks in the Army which were pending since long;

(b) if so, the details of the cadres likely to be reviewed and the officials likely to get benefits, cadre-wise as a result thereof;

(c) the details of the changes likely to be brought about by the implementation of this review policy; and

(d) whether the review is likely to be carried out without an actual increase in the Army’s overall prescribed manpower and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) Yes, Madam. The Third Cadre Review for Junior Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks in the Army has been approved by Government of India. The Government Sanction Letter (GSL) has been issued vide Letter No. B/10188/CR/MP-3/15(I)/2013-D(AG), dated 14th September 2017.

(b) The following increase in select ranks have been sanctioned with consequent reduction of 1,45,137 Sepoy in Indian Army:-
(i) Subedar Major 479
(ii) Subedar 7769
(iii) Naib Subedar 13466
(iv) Havildar 58493
(v) Naik 64930

(c) The implementation of the Third Cadre Review will enhance the promotional prospects and reduce the stagnation period in Indian Army.

(d) Yes, Madam. There will be no increase in Army’s overall authorization on implementation of Third Cadre Review.

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