(a) The details of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes being implemented for empowerment of women and development of children in the country along with the fund sharing ratio between the Union and the states is as under:
1. Anganwadi Services Scheme: A centrally sponsored Scheme launched in 1975. It is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world’s largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development. The beneficiaries under this scheme are children in the age group of 0-6 years, pregnant women and lactating mothers. The objectives of Anganwadi Services Scheme are as under:
1. To improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-group of 0-6 years;
2. To lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child;
3. To reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropouts;
4. To achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development; and
5. To enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.
The package of following six services is provided under the Anganwadi Services scheme:
1. Supplementary Nutrition (SNP)
2. Pre-school Non-formal Education,
3. Nutrition & Health Education,
4. Immunization,
5. Health Check-up, and
6. Referral Services
Three of the six services, viz., Immunization, Health check-up and Referral Services are related to health and are provided through NRHM & Public Health Infrastructure.
Funding Pattern: Government of India releases grants-in-aid to the States/UTs under Anganwadi Services Scheme presently on the following cost sharing ratio between Centre and States/UTs:
Components under Anganwadi Services
General Salary Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP)
States/UTs with Legislature 60:40 25:75 50:50
NE/Himalayan States (including J&K) 90:10 90:10 90:10
UT Without Legislature 100:0 100:0 100:0
2. Ujjawala Scheme: A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-Integration of Victims of Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation is implemented by the Government. The funding pattern for the release of funds will be shared between the Central Govt., States and implementing agencies in ratio 60:30:10, except North Eastern and Himalayan States where the applicable sharing ratio shall be 80:10:10 respectively and in case of UT administrations the sharing ratio shall be 90:10 between the Central Govt and implementing agency.
3. Working Women Hostel Scheme: Working Women Hostel Scheme is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which is being implemented by the Government with the objective to provide safe and conveniently located accommodation for working women, with day care facility for their children, wherever possible, in urban, semi urban, or even rural areas where employment opportunity for women exist. Funding pattern of the Scheme is 60:15:25 between Central Government, States/ UTs (other than NE and Himalayan States) and Implementing Agencies for construction of building of Working Women Hostel/running hostel in rented premises. For NE and Himalayan States, the ratio is 65:10:25
4. Swadhar Greh Scheme: The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing the SwadharGreh Scheme which targets the women victims of difficult circumstances who are in need of institutional support for rehabilitation so that they could lead their life with dignity.SwadharGrehScheme is implemented as Centrally Sponsored Scheme.The funding pattern for the release of funds are 60:40 between the Central Govt. and States except for North Eastern and Himalayan States where the applicable sharing ratio is 90:10 between the Central Govt. and State. In case of Union Territories, the entire cost is borne by the Central Govt.
5. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY): Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), a Centrally Sponsored Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme, for implementation across the country with effect from 01.01.2017. The maternity benefit under PMMVY is available to all Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers (PW&LM), excluding PW&LM who are in regular employment with the Central Government or the State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) or those who are in receipt of similar benefits under any law for the time being in force, for first living child of family. Under the scheme Rs.5,000/- are provided to the eligible beneficiary in three installments during pregnancy and lactation in response to individual fulfilling certain nutrition and health seeking conditions. The eligible beneficiary also receives the remaining cash incentive as per approved norms under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY). Funds are released on the basis of indicative number of beneficiaries and utilization of previous year’s funds and thus, no State/UT-wise funds were allocated under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY). The cost sharing pattern between Center and States for PMMVY is as under:
Sl. No. Category of States Cost Sharing Pattern between Center and State
1. All States and Union Territories Administrations with legislature 60:40
2. North-Eastern States and Himalayan States 90:10
3. All Union Territory Administrations without legislature 100% funding by Center
6. One Stop Centre (OSC) and Universalisation of Women Helpline: Women Welfare Division is implementing two schemes from Nirbhaya Fund namely, One Stop Centre (OSC) and Universalisation of Women Helpline (WHL). Both the schemes are 100 percent Centrally funded. The scheme of One Stop Centres was initiated in March 2015 for facilitating access to an integrated range of services including police, medical, legal, psychological support and temporary shelter to women affected by violence. The Scheme is funded through Nirbhaya Fund. Under the scheme, it has been envisaged that One Stop Centres would be set up across the country in phased manner. In the first phase, one Centre was sanctioned per State/UT. Out of the 733 sanctioned OSCs, a total of 704 One Stop Centres are operational in 35 States/UTs. They have assisted almost 4.54 lakh women.
The Scheme of Universalisation of Women Helpline is being implemented since 1st April 2015 and is intended to provide 24 hours emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence through referral (linking with appropriate authority such as police, One Stop Centre, hospital) and information about women related government schemes/programmes across the country through a single uniform number (181). Women helpline is operational in 33 States/ UTs and handled more than 54.00 lakh calls assisting the aggrieved women.
7. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme was launched on 22nd January 2015 with an aim to address declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related issues of empowerment of girls and women over a life cycle continuum. The objective of the scheme are, to prevent gender biased sex selective elimination, to ensure survival and protection of the girl child and to ensure education and participation of the girl child. The key elements of the scheme include nation-wide media and advocacy campaign and multi-sectoral intervention in selected districts. Under the scheme funds are transferred directly to the Districts with 100 % central Share.
(b) the quantum of funds allocated for the aforementioned schemes and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years, State-wise is annexed at Annexure-I.
(c) No such proposal is received from Maharashtra.
(d) Review of policy & scheme is a continuous process and based on learnings, outcomes, suggestions & proposals, Government takes appropriate action from time to time.
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under Anganwadi Services Scheme
(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sl. No. State/UTs
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Funds released Funds Utilized % of utilisation Funds released Funds Utilized % of utilisation Funds released Funds Utilized % of utilisation Funds released Funds Utilized % of utilisation Funds released Funds Utilized % of utilisation
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 56387.5 41773.8 74.08 58474.2 51432.4 87.96 70988.5 64201.8 90.44 69100.4 68577.4 99.24 69281.1 Not available Not applicable
2 BIHAR 98099.4 76018.9 77.49 92217 84184.2 91.29 115849 114125 98.51 127889 125364 98.03 127059.58
3 CHHATTISGARH 41939.9 47251 112.66 56762.7 51005.4 89.86 54868.4 48988.1 89.28 48339.7 54635.4 113.02 50434.13
4 GOA 1067.7 1049.11 98.26 1649.6 1524.12 92.39 1660.28 1466.37 88.32 1559.15 1701.61 109.14 2024.07
5 GUJARAT 69417.4 73684.5 106.15 62275.1 57688.2 92.63 63148.4 55687.5 88.19 68684.1 70856.3 103.16 61594.01
6 HARYANA 20871.8 16779 80.39 20914.8 14253.5 68.15 21131.7 15875.1 75.12 18029.7 14964.7 83.00 18113.67
7 JHARKHAND 48163.5 36734.1 76.27 42081.5 33505.3 79.62 51573.4 44238.6 85.78 43356 42375.4 97.74 45784.76
8 KARNATAKA 53686.6 69674.2 129.78 92834.8 88029.6 94.82 91901.6 63861.6 69.49 76966.7 87667.5 113.90 68641.75
9 KERALA 34357.1 35080.2 102.10 32460.3 29081 89.59 31092.4 27638.2 88.89 32140.9 33120.4 103.05 31991.6
10 MADHYA PRADESH 110506 108089 97.81 116646 108667 93.16 116553 102643 88.07 121492 125330 103.16 122037.59
11 MAHARASHTRA 105660 72186.8 68.32 102957 110699 107.52 171214 120255 70.24 133136 141075 105.96 118783.2
12 ODISHA 72497.5 70335.9 97.02 95324 71863.8 75.39 79545 78269.3 98.40 85993 87709 102.00 84652.26
13 PUNJAB 16982.5 13155.3 77.46 20168.5 9624.74 47.72 17631.9 19205 108.92 20144.4 17510.6 86.93 17029.04
14 RAJASTHAN 62397.7 62912.7 100.83 67543 58185.8 86.15 66618.8 57121.9 85.74 58453.8 59096.4 101.10 63125.61
15 TAMIL NADU 47085.8 37076.8 78.74 49337 47550.8 96.38 65197.2 54239.5 83.19 64868.5 65280.1 100.63 61071.19
16 TELANGANA 29877.3 26940.6 90.17 38468.3 37836.9 98.36 44681.1 40659 91.00 45841.1 42008.4 91.64 39931.03
17 UTTAR PRADESH 278090 252709 90.87 215247 118694 55.14 202973 223244 109.99 236406 245281 103.75 198558.94
18 WEST BENGAL 66563.3 38450.3 57.76 99426.4 69041.2 69.44 124775 96158 77.07 116400 132046 113.44 104720.89
19 DELHI 14168 4910.82 34.66 10868.4 1544.68 14.21 9096.33 9694.33 106.57 13293.2 12385.1 93.17 10087.07
20 PUDUCHERRY 2299.22 2292.89 99.72 1455.4 1441.9 99.07 472.38 163.33 34.58 489.43 642.63 131.30 424.39
21 HIMACHAL PRADESH 23696.1 22245.6 93.88 21612.6 21044.7 97.37 31881.2 23996.8 75.27 25181.9 25242.5 100.24 25552.07
22 JAMMU & KASHMIR 26732.1 13407.7 50.16 19328.2 11346.4 58.70 37406.6 37706.6 100.80 31999.9 32697.7 102.18 28902.02
23 UTTARAKHAND 21399.6 17218.1 80.46 27990.1 26928.5 96.21 32798.9 32136.7 97.98 30309.8 33475.6 110.44 32450.25
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 1207.51 1196.74 99.11 1295.81 1258.7 97.14 1291.31 1181.5 91.50 1190.78 1129.98 94.89 1525.44
25 CHANDIGARH 762.19 762.19 100.00 1077.47 1063.97 98.75 1416.88 1403.86 99.08 1347.93 1327.68 98.50 1227.33
26 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 569.61 569.61 100.00 323.11 312.79 96.81 534.55 523.09 97.86 573.81 561.65 97.88 901.54
27 DAMAN & DIU 307.96 307.96 100.00 279.45 270.11 96.66 272.33 267.21 98.12 267.58 261.47 97.72
LADAKH N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2299.04
28 LAKSHADWEEP 146.95 146.95 100.00 165.31 124.81 75.50 348.31 345.46 99.18 132.51 126.98 95.83 204.43
29 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 11346.1 9402.49 82.87 14588.5 10782.8 73.91 12389.8 14141.7 114.14 12430.8 13478.5 108.43 8191.64
30 ASSAM 64397.7 47795.1 74.22 70237.5 40611.6 57.82 83867.2 91597.6 109.22 121893 122538 100.53 108068.38
31 MANIPUR 9998.54 4450.7 44.51 17647.5 8777.72 49.74 16856.6 21178.1 125.64 16157.5 14224 88.03 17383.44
32 MEGHALAYA 19135.7 17779 92.91 19865 16432.8 82.72 17661.6 18276.8 103.48 18484.7 18081.4 97.82 17693.12
33 MIZORAM 4666.49 3891.96 83.40 6174.29 4267.61 69.12 4465.18 4293.21 96.15 4814.39 5639.96 117.15 7421.38
34 NAGALAND 15149.6 15480.9 102.19 16652.4 12551.6 75.37 12138.8 12581.6 103.65 15370.5 15080 98.11 14921.34
35 SIKKIM 1625.01 1065.8 65.59 1983.22 1306.64 65.88 2003.53 1984.76 99.06 2023.9 2555.51 126.27 2429.48
36 TRIPURA 11710.6 9883.89 84.40 13101.1 12490.9 95.34 18714.1 15733.2 84.07 16615.1 16384.6 98.61 15237.47
Total 1442970 1252710 86.81 1509432 1215425 80.52 1675018 1515083 90.45 1681376 1730432 102.92 1579754.25
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under Ujjawala Scheme
(Rs. in Crores)
S.No. States/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Fund released Fund utilized % Fund released Fund utilized
% Fund released Fund utilized
% Fund released Fund utilized
% Fund released Fund utilized
1 Andhra Pradesh 1.40 37.86 0.14 - - - - - - **
2 Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - - - - - **
3 Assam 2.60 100 3.22 60.56 - - 1.93 - - **
4 Andaman and Nicobar (UT) - - - - - - - - -
5 Bihar 0.23 - 0.29 - - - - - **
6 Chandigarh - - - - - - - - -
7 Chhattisgarh 0.31 80.65 0.39 82.05 0.10 340* 0.34 41.18 0.30 **
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli - - - - - - - - -
9 Daman & Diu - - - - - - - - -
10 Delhi - - - - - - - - - **
11 Goa - - - - - - - - 0.02 **
12 Gujarat 0.48 - 0.59 - 0.25 - - - - **
13 Haryana 0.08 - - -
14 Himachal Pradesh - - - - - - - - -
15 Jammu & Kashmir - - - - - - - - -
16 Jharkhand - - - - - - 0.14 - - **
17 Karnataka 2.18 79.82 2.70 - - - - - 1.24 **
18 Kerala 0.24 54.17 0.30 46 - - 0.28 - - **
19 Lakshadweep - - - - - - - - -
20 Madhya Pradesh 0.09 - 0.11 - - - - - - **
21 Maharashtra 2.08 - 2.58 185* - - - - - **
22 Manipur 2.22 100 2.22 100 1.11 100 2.89 63.67 4.37 **
23 Mizoram 0.22 90.91 0.13 100 0.12 100 0.10 - **
24 Meghalaya - - - - - - - - -
25 Nagaland 0.20 90 0.20 80 0.10 - 0.19 84.21 0.22 **
26 Odisha 1.42 - 1.76 60 0.20 - 1.46 41.10 1.01 **
27 Punjab - - - - - - - - -
28 Puducherry - - - - - - - - -
29 Rajasthan 0.90 - 1.12 - - - - - - **
30 Sikkim 0.11 100 0.14 64.28 - - 0.10 - - **
31 Tamil Nadu 0.62 100 0.53 100 0.32 100 0.52 - - **
32 Telangana 0.57 100 0.71 100 0.37 - 0.37 100 0.74 **
33 Tripura - - - - - - - - -
34 Uttar Pradesh 0.83 - 1.03 - - - - - - **
35 Uttrakhand 0.54 - 0.66 - - - 0.21 - - **
36 West Bengal - - - - - - - - - **
* Previous year unspent balance amount included.
** Statement of Expenditure/Utilization Certificate not received.
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under Working Women Hostel Scheme
(Amount in Rs. Lakhs)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized % Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds
Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized
Pradesh 247.88 100% - - 476.93 100% 146.49 100% - -
Pradesh 192.54 100% 193.46 100% 116.76 100% - - - -
Assam - - 8.83 100% 7.77 48.13% - - 7.76 -
Bihar - - - - - - - - - -
Chhattisgarh - - - - - - - - - -
Goa - - - - - - - - - -
Gujarat - - 183.76 100% - - - - - -
Haryana - - - - - - - - - -
Pradesh - - 265.83 100% - - 111.86 - - -
Jammu &
Kashmir - - - - - - - - - -
Jharkhand - - - - - - - - - -
Karnataka - - 973.66 100% - - 482.5 3.13% - -
Kerala 932.17 100% - - 252.56 - 901.5 53.24% -
Madhya Pradesh 347.99 100% - - 244.03 98.35% - - - -
Maharashtra - - 7.17 100% 161.43 96.34% - - 39.89 100%
Meghalaya - - - - - - - - - -
Mizoram - - - - 170.62 100% 136.50 - - -
Manipur 149.74 100% 462.27 100% 915.51 43.73% 169.49 8.81% 990.61 45.65%
Nagaland 442.48 100% 600.56 100% 419.58 100% 244.24 100% 223.67 -
Orissa - - - - - - - - - -
Punjab - - - - - - 136.50 - - -
Rajasthan - - - - - - - - -
Sikkim - - - - - - - - - -
Tamil Nadu - - - - - - - - 392.18 -
Telangana - - - - 268.91 57.23% 746.10 13.55% - -
Tripura - - - - - - - - - -
Uttrakhand - - - - - - - - -
UP - - - - - - - - - -
West Bengal - - - - - - - - - -
Chandigarh - - - - - - - - - -
Delhi - - - - - - 179.58* 100% 300.18* 179.58
Pondicherry - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2312.80 - 2695.54 - 3034.10 - 3254.76 - 1954.29 -
*These funds were released for the renovation/payment of property tax for Working Women Hostel located at Jasola
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under Swadhar Greh Scheme
(Rupees in Lakhs)
No. States/UTs Funds Sanctioned/
2016-17 Funds Utilized %
2016-17 Funds Sanctioned/
2017-18 Funds Utilized %
Funds Sanctioned/
2018-19 Funds Utilized %
Funds Sanctioned/
2019-20 Funds Utilized %
Funds Sanctioned/
Funds Utilized %
1 Andhra Pradesh 113.41 77% 140.63 89% - - 190.93 - 0 0
2 Assam 157.03 100% 194.71 100% 152.60 100% 143.51 100% 0 0
3 Andaman & Nicobar Island 4.4 54% 9.01 86%
7.27 100%
7.27 100%
3.96 **
4 Arunachal Pradesh 6.54 100% 8.11 100% 18.05 100% 9.69 100% 10.48 **
5 Bihar 69.79 0 86.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Chandigarh 7.27 99% 9.01 85% 6.64 120%* 7.99 100% 8.45 100%
7 Chhattisgarh 17.44 100% 16.22 100% 30.25 100% 22.95 93% 22.89 **
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Delhi 14.00 98% 18.02 87% 16.10 59% 18.38 96% 13.10 **
11 Gujarat 30.53 0 37.86 100% 0 18.31 - 15.26 **
12 Goa 4.36 0 5.40 0 0 0 0 0 -
13 Haryana 4.36 100% 9.77 100% 3.39 100% 0 0 0 -
14 Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 5.45 55% 3.35 194%*
15 Jharkhand 13.08 50% 16.22 0 0 18.17 43% 0 0
16 Jammu & Kashmir 26.17 100% 32.45 100% 36.20 100% 38.86 100% 27.76 100%
17 Karnataka 266.08 100% 505.99 100% 274.35 100% 221.67 90% 301.31 90%
18 Kerala 34.89 100% 43.27 100% 69.59 - 32.26 - 71.11 **
19 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 26.17 80% 32.45 79% 46.09 103%* 162.05 89% 53.01 137%*
21 Maharashtra 331.51 0 411.07 0 0 0 0 0 -
22 Mizoram 13.08 100% 16.22 100% 81.09 - 71.97 - 0 -
23 Manipur 150.49 100% 186.61 100% 424.30 100% 267.08 100% 313.74 **
24 Meghalaya 0 0 8.72 0 0 0 0 0 36.36 **
25 Nagaland 6.54 100% 8.11 100% 25.69 100% 13.08 100% 0 -
26 Odisha 408.36 87% 463.24 85% 456.79 116% 286.73 83% 642.96 **
27 Punjab 8.72 0 10.82 21% 8.00 - 9.58 - 0 -
28 Puducherry 7.27 100% 9.01 100% 20.06 100% 7.99 100% 21.17 **
29 Rajasthan 61.07 42% 75.73 19% 0 0 87.19 - 0 -
30 Sikkim 6.54 75% 8.11 100% 6.72 100% 10.64 98% 10.47 **
31 Tamil Nadu 174.48 86% 216.36 90% 409.75 100% 160.12 97% 432.35 **
32 Telangana 104.69 84% 124.40 70% 116.09 100% 299.16 100% 205.26 **
33 Tripura 26.17 100% 32.45 100% 46.23 93% 26.17 81% 84.60 **
34 Uttar Pradesh 314.06 0 430.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
35 Uttarakhand 58.89 0 73.02 36% 0 0 0 0 0 -
36 West Bengal 0 0 430.29 0 0 0 0 0 155.67 **
*including previous year’s unspent balance.
** Statement of Expenditure/Utilization Certificate not received.
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last four years under Pradhan MantriMatruVandanaYojana (PMMVY)
Sl. No. State/UT 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21***
(Rs. In Crores) (Rs. In Crores) (Rs. In Crores) (Rs. In Crores)
Released Utilised* Released Utilised* Released Utilised* Released Utilised*
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1.63 0.43 0.41 1.18 1.27 1.08 0.98 1.01
2 Andhra Pradesh 70.22 42.10 141.02 175.80 101.25 168.81 14.39 78.48
3 Arunachal Pradesh 9.13 0.01 0.36 2.66 0.00 3.81 8.72 3.25
4 Assam 104.48 4.19 8.17 37.50 125.95 169.35 94.69 64.42
5 Bihar 173.51 5.76 12.53 62.28 101.88 342.16 319.98 498.93
6 Chandigarh 2.90 1.11 2.48 3.06 3.99 2.96 4.40 2.35
7 Chhattisgarh 43.83 7.69 20.26 49.96 52.93 82.26 9.66 58.86
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1.03 0.08 0.76 1.01 1.47 1.37 0.30 2.45
9 Daman & Diu 0.62 0.00 0.29 0.56 1.04 0.65 0.04
10 Goa 1.69 0.63 1.07 2.74 1.40 2.12 0.12 1.95
11 Gujarat 101.87 25.36 59.59 129.10 102.68 155.33 - 47.11
12 Haryana 43.24 13.26 36.75 82.19 65.87 77.87 7.36 40.87
13 Himachal Pradesh 18.22 4.42 17.94 27.55 33.69 28.65 7.73 20.61
14 Jammu & Kashmir 31.38 1.11 8.28 25.91 30.12 30.31 7.50 20.14
15 Jharkhand 56.23 7.01 14.53 59.70 63.38 95.13 16.27 57.23
16 Karnataka 102.49 22.41 63.62 132.29 119.53 195.56 37.92 161.43
17 Kerala 55.37 15.97 35.14 75.98 64.19 95.15 15.29 68.40
18 Ladakh** - - - - - - 0.76 0.27
19 Lakshadweep 0.28 0.00 0.04 0.23 0.18 0.12 0.06 0.17
20 Madhya Pradesh 123.21 57.62 185.81 337.85 285.16 308.18 62.78 179.68
21 Maharashtra 128.21 38.87 117.96 220.29 294.14 386.03 113.11 264.85
22 Manipur 14.74 0.66 0.75 2.74 4.12 12.10 6.48 6.96
23 Meghalaya 11.11 0.69 1.02 1.83 4.21 8.43 5.08 4.85
24 Mizoram 7.11 2.33 2.95 6.66 8.12 7.62 5.46 3.07
25 Nagaland 10.35 0.00 0.52 1.01 2.67 10.06 1.39 2.67
26 NCT Of Delhi 20.09 4.08 7.96 25.43 26.88 38.04 5.46 26.68
27 Odisha 71.43 0.00 3.83 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
28 Puducherry 3.32 0.14 0.64 3.16 1.60 3.82 0.85 1.87
29 Punjab 46.49 7.86 11.41 59.77 35.54 70.11 12.79 29.74
30 Rajasthan 114.87 7.88 96.05 224.10 96.52 167.81 100.02 151.23
31 Sikkim 3.54 0.11 0.21 2.15 0.88 2.09 0.57 1.06
32 Tamil Nadu 120.88 0.00 6.58 41.59 46.21 215.29 93.39 195.97
33 Telangana 71.96 0.00 3.85 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00
34 Tripura 18.45 0.17 0.96 5.78 5.29 16.26 7.55 6.98
35 Uttar Pradesh 336.17 47.78 142.17 414.15 405.56 603.83 99.28 476.85
36 Uttarakhand 26.11 6.40 14.26 21.59 27.66 28.81 18.97 26.29
37 West Bengal 102.45 1.44 29.39 124.66 87.69 205.88 - 0.56
Total 2,048.59 327.58 1,049.56 2,362.46 2,203.04 3,537.05 1079.37 2,507.23
*This includes both Centre and State share.
** Before 2020-21, Ladakh has been included as a part of Jammu & Kashmir.
*** For fund utilized during FY 2020-21 and 2021-22, funds disbursed for payment of maternity benefits as per report generated through Pradhan MantriMatruVandanaYojana-Common Application Software (PMMVY-CAS) has been considered wherever Utilization certificates have not been received from States.
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under OSCs
(Amount in Rs.)
State 2016-17 % Utilisation 2017-18 % Utilisation 2018-19 % Utilisation 2019-20 % Utilisation 2020-21 % Utilisation
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0 3120663 100.00 3687641 98.64 4159792 70.55 3859069 36.75
2 Andhra Pradesh 26897400 100.00 33013744 7.35 39063148 51.52 26099278 66.83 21105250 2.84
3 Arunachal Pradesh 2841450 100.00 5319517 91.98 78202084 11.27 13418151 0.00 52014408 0.00
4 Assam 7565800 100.00 0 78695087 18.20 80408520 7.51 63614400 1.89
5 Bihar 19890150 100.00 0 30832455 0.00 104609180 0.95 70966339 0.00
6 Chandigarh 0 0 930799 94.63 1500450 100.00 3383756 0.00
7 Chattishgarh 73427815 100.00 16704440 100.00 66244372 98.04 67738483 33.65 35320987 0.00
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 0 4341482 100.00 50000 0.00 7345503 4.18 4601200 0.00
9 Delhi 0 0 0 36255258 12.29 18304950 39.30
10 Goa 1941450 0.00 1084917 36.13 492000 79.67 1500450 0.00 3000900 0.00
11 Gujarat 3882900 100.00 12715269 80.22 56269778 27.71 67951666 41.89 85084669 22.66
12 Haryana 11648700 100.00 3830247 100.00 47960546 24.47 40192416 59.20 40443694 18.38
13 Himachal Pradesh 0 1500450 100.00 10118850 16.84 31729794 0.00 19805400 0.00
14 Jammu and Kashmir 9565800 100.00 6810822 71.49 15020425 23.52 9639473 38.60 22483933 0.00
15 Jharkhand 5682900 92.16 1847152 100.00 70436941 88.47 40853107 0.00 69124908 6.94
16 Karnataka 8524350 100.00 6273675 0.00 59444419 25.21 58203580 4.18 73508758 0.00
17 Kerala 11365800 94.13 1180007 0.00 28331849 21.95 14090453 16.30 23705850 0.00
18 Ladakh-UT 0 1941450 100.00 0 0 ! 6545042 41.92
19 Lakshdweep 0 0 0 2091225 0.00 1350225 0.00
20 Madhya Pradesh 77347650 86.82 13127264 38.78 112391390 54.55 167092445 2.00 104431900 1.15
21 Maharashtra 21355950 100.00 43769662 0.00 38929425 49.80 66998501 2.92 64620010 0.00
22 Manipur 0 0 35722445 28.63 24884407 41.03 50193815 0.00
23 Meghalaya 2841450 100.00 775391 54.81 18639947 38.20 37430224 13.33 21161595 2.84
24 Mizoram 0 6140951 100.00 27264535 57.09 21870881 6.86 17263928 0.00
25 Nagaland 5541679 100.00 8041940 100.00 45487024 82.70 19173411 36.78 33590577 52.95
26 Odisha 1500450 100.00 12032854 74.49 77459998 14.82 20934647 16.85 93155192 0.00
27 Puducherry 0 1941450 0.00 4766836 0.00 4376136 0.00 7201800 0.00
28 Punjab 9707250 80.00 33587668 9.94 52633488 53.40 35183739 15.03 48461272 0.00
29 Rajasthan 34123174 62.28 2895721 0.00 30860275 50.75 67711508 10.45 56686911 1.06
30 Sikkim 0 3071148 0.00 3923225 0.00 6809569 37.57 6601800 9.09
31 Tamil Nadu 0 3882900 100.00 113995447 48.55 71359691 62.50 106060397 22.72
32 Telangana 15531600 100.00 30172230 31.91 58948915 26.84 62446827 23.72 77573415 0.00
33 Tripura 0 0 26901349 0 6001800 0.00 15603600 0.00
34 Uttar Pradesh 45463200 100.00 26622936 83.48 222830497 50.01 123193989 14.92 228832664 0.00
35 Uttrakhand 5824350 100.00 13886307 100.00 27225409 72.58 22907445 43.20 27308659 0.00
36 West Bengal 0 0 0 9546450 0.00 19890150 0.00
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under WHL
(Amount in Rs.)
Sl.No State 2016-17 % Utilisation 2017-18 % Utilisation 2018-19 % Utilisation 2019-20 % Utilisation 2020-21 % Utilisation
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0 0 5094565 100 3408000 78.13019 1704000 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 0 0 6060357 100 3408000 100 5769877 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0 5950000 100 8135911 72.07442 6146252 0 3976000 0
4 Assam 0 0 1612058 100 6196756 100 6427874 100
5 Bihar 0 3807000 100 5494258 59.32117 4650000 0 2325000 0
6 Chandigarh 0 8915814 100 5892584 45.21928 6626660 91.14287 5111578 0
7 Chattishgarh 3791155 100 6364000 100 8535423 100 6816000 100 6666682 0
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 0 3408000 10.66989 0 3408000 0 1704000 0
9 Delhi 0 0 0 0 0
10 Goa 0 0 0 2771000 0 1704000 0
11 Gujarat 0 17880000 100 8940000 0 4650000 0 2325000 0
12 Haryana 0 0 0 2210254 100 1704000 100
13 Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0
14 Jammu and Kashmir-UT 0 0 3382501 100 9838640 0 6006790 0
15 Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0
16 Karnataka 0 0 0 0 0
17 Kerala 0 2164000 100 6765000 100 3408000 100 8073249 100
18 Ladakh-UT 0 0 0 0 0
19 Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0 0 2325000 0
21 Maharashtra 0 0 0 0 0
22 Manipur 0 0 0 0 1704000 0
23 Meghalaya 0 0 3270000 100 3408000 100 8808465 0
24 Mizoram 0 8520000 100 8520000 100 3408000 100 6816000 100
25 Nagaland 2911529 100 7633204 100 6816000 100 3408000 100 10224000 100
26 Odisha 0 3016793 100 9865173 100 3408000 100 9625478 0
27 Puducherry 0 0 5108000 0 0 0
28 Punjab 0 0 2719498 0 3408000 0 1704000 0
29 Rajasthan 0 0 0 4650000 100 6732957 100
30 Sikkim 0 0 3380782 0 3408000 0 1704000 0
31 Tamil Nadu 0 0 4650000 0 4650000 0 2325000 100
32 Telangana 0 0 0 12839001 73.45588 4861468 0
33 Tripura 0 0 0 0 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 0 4011000 100 8854892 100 4650000 100 13253502 84.30064
35 Uttrakhand 0 4679000 100 5761087 86.53287 6040147 0 1704000 0
36 West Bengal 0 0 0 0 0
The quantum of funds allocated and percentage utilization thereof during each of the last five years under BBBP Scheme
( Amount in Lakhs)
S No. State Total Fund Availa ble/allocated FY 2016- Utilizati on during 2016-17 Percentage Utilisation Total Fund Availa ble/allocated 2017-
18 Utilizati on during 2017-18 Percentage Utilisation
Total Fund Availa ble/allocated 2018-
19 Utilizati on during 2018-19 Percentage Utilisation
Total Fund Availa ble/allocated 2019-
20 Utilizati on during 2019-20 Percentage Utilisation
Total Fund Availa ble/allocated 2020-
21 Utilizati on during 2020-21* Percentage Utilisation
1 Andhra Pradesh 14.18 7.39 52.12 32.51 17.87 54.97 196.50 94.73 48.21 200.00 137.49 68.75 200.00 0.00 0.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.51 27.05 83.21 170.87 103.34 60.48 241.65 208.85 86.43 150.00 0.00 0.00
3 Assam 32.51 2.78 8.55 32.51 20.24 62.26 25.00 11.37 45.48 86.65 53.55 61.80 75.00 37.15 49.53
4 Bihar 29.78 17.99 60.41 32.51 10.02 30.82 418.00 15.16 3.63 425.00 52.25 12.29 389.69 0.00 0.00
5 Chhattisgarh 10.08 0.00 0.00 47.00 34.03 72.40 49.50 14.67 29.64 69.61 67.23 96.58 51.18 28.16 55.02
6 Goa 32.51 8.40 25.84 24.11 20.49 84.99 3.62 0.00 0.00 25.00 4.07 16.28 20.93 0.00 0.00
7 Gujarat 205.70 38.39 18.66 280.24 81.31 29.01 588.48 156.45 26.59 710.25 434.07 61.12 604.34 80.07 13.25
8 Haryana 205.39 27.30 13.29 570.66 214.01 37.50 536.56 199.46 37.17 522.67 286.69 54.85 485.80 12.40 2.55
9 Himachal Pradesh 14.69 6.89 46.90 97.52 6.13 6.29 252.59 190.64 75.47 293.48 229.85 78.32 222.41 22.41 10.08
10 J&K 88.00 52.29 59.42 298.62 234.43 78.50 422.90 192.67 45.56 552.67 370.44 67.03 496.48 25.00 5.04
11 Leh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 20.15 80.60 45.73 37.96 83.01 16.39 0.00 0.00
12 Jharkhand 23.16 23.16 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 313.37 54.59 17.42 298.95 80.24 26.84 264.25 0.00 0.00
13 Karnataka 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.51 32.51 100.00 140.78 79.39 56.39 125.00 99.71 79.77 125.00 87.67 70.14
14 Kerala 31.55 23.91 75.78 13.75 4.81 34.98 23.50 2.83 12.04 25.00 17.14 68.56 25.00 0.00 0.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 105.40 56.24 53.36 150.46 84.47 56.14 1021.93 356.85 34.92 1264.41 758.69 60.00 1111.45 103.29 9.29
16 Maharashtra 182.73 53.66 29.37 424.46 138.71 32.68 799.74 261.71 32.72 832.06 365.14 43.88 722.70 0.00 0.00
17 Manipur 15.13 15.13 100.00 44.95 44.95 100.00 269.45 241.94 89.79 398.55 367.73 92.27 375.00 175.00 46.67
18 Meghalaya 16.23 0.85 5.24 32.51 23.78 73.15 24.70 24.53 99.31 67.53 57.80 85.59 50.00 0.00 0.00
19 Mizoram 0.01 0.00 0.00 32.51 32.51 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 100.00
20 Nagaland 32.51 23.30 71.67 32.51 32.51 100.00 295.52 228.36 77.27 320.33 298.91 93.31 292.97 290.60 99.19
21 Odisha 22.04 21.33 96.78 32.51 15.19 46.72 119.63 3.29 2.75 375.00 50.88 13.57 346.08 0.00 0.00
22 Punjab 401.95 312.37 77.71 600.61 482.39 80.32 554.71 360.55 65.00 941.94 683.75 72.59 725.28 504.83 69.60
23 Rajasthan 266.11 90.26 33.92 421.55 117.13 27.79 857.64 151.88 17.71 886.62 430.73 48.58 813.15 455.27 55.99
24 Sikkim 32.51 25.84 79.48 48.76 48.76 100.00 50.00 47.50 95.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 22.20 88.80
25 Tamilnadu 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.88 13.70 44.37 446.78 306.57 68.62 324.31 302.72 93.34 274.56 0.00 0.00
26 Telangana 26.91 6.72 24.97 31.51 7.18 22.79 217.20 143.67 66.15 309.42 218.33 70.56 219.55 25.00 11.39
27 Tripura 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 20.94 83.76 25.00 12.50 50.00
28 Uttar Pradesh 384.62 0.00 0.00 661.35 106.45 16.10 1798.05 402.78 22.40 1791.82 970.39 54.16 1394.21 353.20 25.33
29 Uttarakhand 82.79 16.67 20.14 167.94 126.11 75.09 323.45 207.32 64.10 638.43 537.43 84.18 304.74 187.03 61.37
30 Andaman & Nicobar 16.25 5.43 33.42 32.49 24.03 73.96 25.00 20.64 82.56 33.27 28.09 84.43 25.00 19.47 77.88
31 Chandigargh 4.72 0.00 0.00 24.24 0.00 0.00 20.17 0.00 0.00 23.50 11.23 47.79 25.00 9.63 38.52
32 Dadra Nagar Haveli 31.93 15.78 49.42 32.51 16.11 49.55 16.40 0.00 0.00 25.00 3.17 12.68 21.82 0.00 0.00
33 Daman and Diu 16.32 1.72 10.54 26.50 12.43 46.91 39.06 14.65 37.51 61.91 15.01 24.24 46.89 0.42 0.90
34 NCT DELHI 147.53 23.65 16.03 221.73 78.92 35.59 261.95 115.59 44.13 218.89 38.53 17.60 214.77 0.00 0.00
35 Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 2.65 11.04 25.00 23.52 94.08 12.50 0.00 0.00
36 Puducherry 12.10 10.20 84.30 30.01 30.01 100.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 25.00 22.32 89.28 12.50 0.00 0.00
* Utilisation as per reports available from 97 districts as on 01.12.2021. Submission of UC for F.Y. 2020-21 is under way by various districts.
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