Question : Food Processing Industries

(a) the details of food processing industries/units sanctioned and set up in various parts of the country during the last three years and the current year, State and Union Territories-wise including Rajasthan;

(b) the details of the programmes/ schemes on which the Government is working for the promotion of the food processing industries in the country and the financial assistance and facilities provided for the purpose thereunder during the said period, State and Union Territory-wise including Rajasthan;

(c) whether the Government has fixed any time frame to receive proposals for setting up of food processing units and to release grants thereon and if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken to reduce the same;

(d) whether the Government has also launched any scheme to attract the youth of the country towards Food Processing Industries and to acquaint them with technical and marketing knowledge of the industries and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether the Government has undertaken Research and Development (R&D) projects for the development of food processing industries in the country and if so, the details thereof and the funds allocated for ongoing food processing projects for their timely completion during the said period and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister

a) The details of food Processing industries/units sanctioned and set up in various parts of the country during the last three years and the current year, State and Union Territories-wise including Rajasthan under the Scheme for Technology Upgradation/ establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing industries (TUS) are given in Annexure-I.

b) Government of India has launched a new Central Sector Scheme – Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana in May 2017 with an allocation of Rs. 6,000 crore for the period 2016-20 coterminous with the 14th Finance Commission cycle. The scheme is a comprehensive package which will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet. Various components in the scheme are – (i) Mega Food Parks, (ii) Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure, (iii) Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities, (iv)Infrastructure for Agro-processing Clusters (v) Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages, (vi) Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure, (vii) Human Resources and Institutions. Consolidated state-wise status of major components of the scheme is at Annexure-II.

c) The last date for receipt of applications under the Scheme for Creation/Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC) is 15.06.2018 upto 18.00 Hrs.

d) In order to support technical and managerial manpower needs of Food Processing sector, Ministry provides assistance to two autonomous Institutions under its administrative control- National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) at Kundli, Haryana and Indian Institute of Food processing technology (IIFPT) at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

e) Ministry of Food Processing Industries does not undertake Research and Development on its own. However, it is implementing the scheme of Research & Development having provision for financial assistance – (i) for the Government organizations/ universities/institutions for 100% of cost of equipment, consumables and expenditure related to salaries for project staff and (ii) for private organizations / universities / institutions is 50% of equipment cost only in general areas and 70% in North East States and difficult areas. Ministry has, till date, assisted 200 Research and Development projects, out of which 151 have been completed. Details of on-going assisted projects are at Annexure-III.


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