Question : Inclusion of Kol Adivasis in ST List

(a) the percentage share of tribals in the country’s population at present and details of their population, State-wise;
(b) the reasons for not including the Kol Adivasis in the Scheduled Tribes (ST) List in Uttar Pradesh; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government to accede to this long pending demand?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. †*197 for answer on 24.12.2018 asked by SHRI BHAIRON PRASAD MISHRA, MP, regarding ‘Inclusion of Kol Adivasis in ST List’

(a): As per latest Census conduted in 2011, the percentage share of tribals in the country’s population is 8.6% and the details of their population are given at Annexure.

(b) & (c): The Government of India on 15.6.1999 (further amended on 25.6.2002) has laid down the modalities for deciding the claims for inclusion in, exclusion from and other modifications in Orders specifying Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lists. As per the modalities, only those proposals which have been recommended and justified by the concerned State Government / UT Administration and concurred with by Registrar General of India (RGI) and National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) are to be considered and legislation amended.

All action for inclusion or exclusion of communities including Kol Community of Uttar Pradesh in the list of Scheduled Tribes is taken as per these approved modalities.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 197 for Answer on 24.12.2018

State / UT wise overall population, ST population

S. No India / State Total Population ST Population
India 1,21,08,54,977 10,45,45,716
1 Andhra Pradesh 4,93,86,799 26,31,145
2 Arunachal Pradesh 13,83,727 9,51,821
3 Assam 3,12,05,576 38,84,371
4 Bihar 10,40,99,452 13,36,573
5 Chhattisgarh 2,55,45,198 78,22,902
6 Goa 14,58,545 1,49,275
7 Gujarat 6,04,39,692 89,17,174
8 Haryana 2,53,51,462 NST
9 Himachal Pradesh 68,64,602 3,92,126
10 Jammu & Kashmir 1,25,41,302 14,93,299
11 Jharkhand 3,29,88,134 86,45,042
12 Karnataka 6,10,95,297 42,48,987
13 Kerala 3,34,06,061 4,84,839
14 Madhya Pradesh 7,26,26,809 1,53,16,784
15 Maharashtra 11,23,74,333 1,05,10,213
16 Manipur 28,55,794 11,67,422
17 Meghalaya 29,66,889 25,55,861
18 Mizoram 10,97,206 10,36,115
19 Nagaland 19,78,502 17,10,973
20 Odisha 4,19,74,218 95,90,756
21 Punjab 2,77,43,338 NST
22 Rajasthan 6,85,48,437 92,38,534
23 Sikkim 6,10,577 2,06,360
24 Tamil Nadu 7,21,47,030 7,94,697
25 Telangana 35193978 3286928
26 Tripura 36,73,917 11,66,813
27 Uttarakhand 1,00,86,292 2,91,903
28 Uttar Pradesh 19,98,12,341 11,34,273
29 West Bengal 9,12,76,115 52,96,953
30 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3,80,581 28,530
31 Chandigarh 10,55,450 NST
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 3,43,709 1,78,564
33 Daman & Diu 2,43,247 15,363
34 Delhi 1,67,87,941 NST
35 Lakshadweep 64,473 61,120
36 Puducherry 12,47,953 NST

Source: Census 2011, Office of the Registrar General, India
NST: No notified Scheduled Tribes (as in 2011)


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