(a) The Government is providing smart cane to persons with visual disabilities under the Scheme of ‘Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP)’.
The smart cane is operated with rechargeable battery and sensor fitted in its upper part which vibrates in case of any obstacle in front of the user. The cane is foldable and can easily be kept in the bag.
At present, smart canes are being procured from domestic supplier by the implementing agencies.
The details of Smart Canes distributed during the last three years are as under:-
Year Number of Smart Canes distributed
2018-19 7737
2019-20 6259
2020-21 5288
Total 19284
(b). No, Sir.
However, Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (a Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Department) is in the process of designing and developing a smart cane from its own resources. Once fully developed, its mass production will begin for distribution under the ADIP Scheme.
(c). No, Sir.
(d). As per Census 2011, the number of persons with visual disability is 50,33,431.
State –wise details are at Annexure.
The district-wise details are available on the website of the Registrar General of India (
(e). A directory of Services for the Blind and Low Vision Persons in India has been compiled by the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, an autonomous body under this Department. The Directory incorporates information on organisations and services being provided across the country for persons with visual disabilities. Details can be accessed from the Institute’s website. ( /directory of services.pdf/directory).
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