(a): The details of personnel of Delhi Police who died while on duty are given below:
Rank of the deceased 2003 2004 2005 2006 (up to 27th July)
ACP - - 1 -
SI 1 3 1 3
ASI 2 2 1 1
HC 7 5 4 1
Constable 10 8 8 1
Total 20 18 15 6
(b) & (c): 30 applications were received for appointment on compassionate grounds during this period from the dependents of deceased officials, including one Assistant Commissioner of Police, six Sub-Inspectors, two Assistant Sub-Inspectors, seven Head Constables and fourteen Constables. Out of these, 19 candidates have been approved for appointment on compassionate grounds.
(d): Seven applications of dependents of deceased officials i.e. one Sub-Inspector, one Assistant Sub-Inspector, two Head Constables and three Constables, have been rejected by the Screening Committee in the light of instructions issued by the Government, judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Umesh Kumar Nagpal Vs. State of Haryana and other relevant factors such as size of families, age of deceased officials at the time of death, age of children, presence of earning members, and assets and liabilities of the families.
(e): As per extant instructions, compassionate appointment can be made up to a maximum of 5% of the vacancies falling under direct recruitment quota of group `C` and `D` posts. It is not possible to prescribe any time frame in this regard as appointments are made on the basis of suitability of applicants and availability of vacant posts.