(a) the number of farmers covered under the various crop insurance schemes like National Agricultural insurance Scheme in various States of the country, details thereof State-wise;
(b) whether the Government is implementing the National Crop Insurance Scheme mandatorily for all types of crops in the States/Union territories, if so, the details thereof including thereto of premium and the sum assured;
(c) whether there is a provision to provide equal compensation to all the farmers by the Union and State Govt. in the event of loss of cash crops by setting up ''Corpus Fund'' under the scheme if so, the details of the initiatives taken by the Government in this regard;
(d) the details of the compensation received by the farmers during the last three years and the current year for crop loss/ damage under the various crop insurance schemes including the number of beneficiaries, State-wise;
(c) whether the Government has recently announced an increase in compensation for crop damage due to natural disasters, such as unseasonal rain and drought by 50%, if so, the number of farmers which are likely to be benefited from this increased compensation alongwith the revised rate of compensation per-hectare of land; and
(f) whether the Government is also considering to put the forcast made by the India Metreorological Deptt. under public domain for the benefit of farmers, if so, the details thereof?