Question : Coir Udyami Yojana

(a) whether the Government has successfully implemented Coir Udyami Yojana (CUY) throughout the country including Maharashtra, Tripura, Tamil Nadu and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the funds sanctioned and utilized under the said yojana during the last three years and current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) the eligibility criteria fixed by the Government to grant loan/subsidy under the said yojana and the number of individuals/organizations/Self Help Groups who got benefitted from the yojana since inception;

(d) whether the Government has created awareness among individuals involved in the coir sector about the said yojana especially in the rural areas; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the other steps taken by the Government to improve the coir industry of the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), through Coir Board, has successfully implemented Coir Udyami Yojana (CUY) in almost all the States including Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and NER including Tripura. The CUY was started for implementation in the year 2015-16 and it was in force upto 2017-18. As part of rationalization of the ongoing plan programmes of the Ministry of MSME, the CUY was subsumed in the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) during March, 2018. Though the CUY has been integrated with PMEGP, the Ministry had allocated funds under CUY for settling the spillover claims. The year-wise and state-wise details of coir units assisted under CUY are mentioned in Table – 1 of the Annexure.

(b): The funds sanctioned by the Ministry under CUY for settling the spillover claims during the last three years and current year are as given below:

Year Amount Rs. in lakhs
2017-18 699.78
2018-19 600.00
2019-20 195.73
2020-21 Nil

During 2017-18 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs.1626.68 lakhs has been utilized by the Board for releasing margin money subsidy for setting up of 689 coir units under the CUY. A statement showing State-wise details of the amount utilized under CUY during last three years and current year (Table 1) is annexed.

After integration of CUY with PMEGP, the Ministry has disbursed margin money subsidy under PMEGP for setting up of coir units during the year 2018-19 to 2020-21. The year-wise and state-wise details of coir units and subsidy released under PMEGP are mentioned in Table – 2 of the Annexure.

(c): Since the CUY was subsumed in the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Porgramme (PMEGP) during March, 2018, the beneficiaries can now avail financial assistance for setting up of coir units through PMEGP.

PMEGP is a credit linked subsidy scheme. The Scheme provides subsidy at the rate of 25% of the project cost in rural areas and 15% in urban areas to the General Categories and 35% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas to the Special Categories, which includes SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/ Women/Physically Handicapped/Ex-servicemen, NER, Hill and Border areas.

(d): Yes, Sir. Coir Board releases advertisements through Newspapers, print and electronic media and also published pamphlets and brouchers highlighting the benefits of the yojana. The Board also conducts various awareness programmes, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and workshops for creating awareness about PMEGP and generating more employment.

(e): The Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, through Coir Board, is implementing various schemes for improving the Coir industry in the country under the Umbrella Scheme “Coir Vikas Yojana”. Components of the scheme are as under:

i) Science and Technology
ii) Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana
iii) Domestic Market Promotion
iv) Export Market Promotion
v) Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services
vi) Welfare Measures – Coir Workers Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme merged with Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).

Besides above, SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries) and ASPIRE (A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship) are also implemented by Coir Board for promoting Coir Industry in the country.

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