(a) whether the targets fixed for solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plants to be achieved by December 98 have been reached in ten high focus areas earmarked for implementation ;

(b) if so, the details of the figures achieved for different applications/deployments ; and

(c) if so, the reason therefor ?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b) & (c) : During 1997-98, for the first time, the Ministry identified ten regions in the country as High Focus Areas (HFA) for implementation of the Solar Photovoltaic Programme. The programme implementing State agencies were advised to implement at least 50 % of the targets allocated to them for SPV systems like solar lanterns, home lighting systems and street lighting systems in these High Focus Areas. Solar Photovoltaic power plants are not covered by this advice, as they are sanctioned on a case to case basis. Further, no targets were fixed for achievement by December, 1998; the targets are set for a full year.

The details of achievements in respect of solar lanterns, home lighting systems, street lighting systems, and power plants installed during 1998-99 in States having High Focus Areas are given in the Annexure.

Annexure to the Reply to the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1195 regarding `Targets for Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants` for reply on Thursday, 2nd March 2000.

Achievements during 1998-99 in the States / UTs having High Focus Areas.

S.NO.	State/UT	Solar Lanterns	Home Lighting Systems	Street Lighting	(Nos.)	(Nos.)	Systems(Nos.)
1 Arunachal Pradesh 1,028 152 - 2 Assam 125 450 -

3. Bihar 10,085 249 - 4 Jammu & Kashmir 1,800 2,484 - 5 Madhya Pradesh 513 - - 6 Manipur 500 50 - 7 Meghalaya 500 - - 8 Mizoram 1,088 249 33 9 Nagaland - - - 10 Orissa 1,034 579 1,014 11 Rajasthan 261 3,964 426 12 Sikkim - 4 - 13 Tripura 2,224 115 5 14 Uttar Pradesh 3,168 6,944 - 15 West Bengal 354 3,585 99 16 A & N Islands 33 - - 17 Lakhsadweep Islands 1,000 - 55

The following Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants were also installed during 1998-99 in the High Focus Areas:

(i) 26 kWp SPV Power Plant at Mritunjaynagar, Sagar Island, West Bengal
(ii) 50 kWp SPV Power Plant at Kadmath Island in Lakshadweep Islands
(iii) 9 kWp SPV Power Plant at NRSE Bhawan, South Andaman, A & N Islands
(iv) 1.7 kWp SPV Power Plant at Narcodum, North Andaman, A & N Islands
(v) 10 kWp SPV Power Plant at Badakhari, South Andaman, A & N Islands
(vi) 2X4.48 kWp SPV Power Plant at Luxi , Teressa, A & N Islands
(vii) 4.48 kWp SPV Power Plant at Enam, Teressa, A & N Islands