(a) Whether despite sharp decline in the trunk traffic, DOT imported 14 computerised digital trunk manual exchanges of higher operators positions than actually required resulting in an avoidable expenditure of Rs.24.32crore in the procurement of surplus capacity equipment in eight exchanges test checked;

(b) if so, the reasons for procurement of surplus capacity computerised digital trunk manual exchanges;

(c) the action taken by the Government in the matter against the officials responsible for causing loss to the State;

(d) whether the rotational transfer policy is not being followed in DoT and officers keep on posted at the same place for number of years giving room for nexus t be developed ;

(e) if so, the details thereof ; and

(f) the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) No , Sir. The growth in Telecom. Services and STD stations was not large during 90-91 to 92-93. The decline of Trunk Traffic/ Revenue during these years was of the order of 10% only. Keeping in view the decreasing trunk traffic, the requirement of the equipment to be ordered on the vendor was reviewed, based on the trunk traffic available for Nov., 93. Accordingly the revised proposal was sent to `MM` Branch for issuing the Advance Purchase Order. The details of the original proposal and revised proposal are as under:

Sl.No.	Item	Quantity proposed	Quantity proposed in	in Jan., 1993	March, 1994 (after	review of traffic)
1. Personal Computer 2860 1330

2. Versatile Multiplexers System/2MB System 517 243

3. Digital Multiplexers/2/8 MB PCM System 136 64

4. Headgear Sets 5720 2660

The high growth rate in Telecom. Services commenced during the last five years only and hence it was not possible to forecast that the Department policies will change and the growth in Telecom/STD services would be so high resulting in sharp decline in trunk traffic/revenue.

(b) & (c) Not applicable in view of `a` above.

(d) As an economy measure rotational transfers involving significant proportion of the staff in various cadres are not being effected at present.

(e) & (f ) In view of the reply `d`, it does not arise.