(a) whether the targets set for power generation from renewable energy sources during the Eleventh Five Year Plan have been achieved so far;

(b) if so, the details thereof State-wise and year-wise and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has conducted any survey to increase the power generation from these sources;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by the government to augment power generation from these sources?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): A capacity addition of 12,300 MW grid-interactive renewable power (comprising 9000 MW wind power, 1400 Small Hydro power, 1700 MW Biomass power, 80 MW Urban/ Industrial Waste-to-power and 50 MW Solar power) is targeted during the 11th Plan period based on Mid Term Appraisal. Against this target, around 5,282 MW capacity (comprising 3,797 MW wind power, 547 MW Small Hydro power, 917. MW Biomass power, 20 MW Urban/ Industrial Waste-to-power and 1 MW Solar power) has been set up during the plan period upto 31.10.2009. State-wise targets are not fixed as the activity is largely in private sector. State-wise and year-wise details of the capacity added are given in Annexure.

(c) & (d): Based on various studies and surveys, a potential of around 90,000 MWeq for power generation from different renewable energy sources (excluding solar) in the country has been estimated which include 48,561 MW from wind, 14,294 MW from small hydro and 26,367 MW from bio-power. The potential for solar energy is estimated for most parts of the country at around 20 MW per square kilometer of open, shadow free area covered with solar collectors.

(e) : The Government has taken various measures to augment power generation from renewable energy sources, mainly with private investment. It is providing various fiscal and financial incentives for renewable power projects that include capital/ interest subsidy, accelerated depreciation and nil/ concessional excise and customs duties. Under the Electricity Act 2003, it has been made obligatory upon State Electricity Regulatory Authorities to fix a minimum percentage for purchase of electricity from renewable sources taking into account local factors. Preferential tariff for grid interactive renewable power is being given in most potential States following the provisions made under the National Electricity Policy 2005 and National Tariff Policy 2006. Uniform guidelines by CERC for fixation of such preferential tariffs have been issued recently. The National Solar Mission approved recently is also expected to enable large-scale capital investment in solar power generation.