(a) Under Operation Excellence for London Olympics, 2012 (OPEX 2012), the athletes are
being provided comprehensive and intensive training, both within the country and abroad
as well as competition exposure in international sports competitions. Based on the approved
funding norms, which are at par with scales for CWG-2010, further upscaling in certain areas,
such as lodging, nutrition, scientific support and daily allowance has been done.
(b) Financial assistance for preparation of athletes for London Olympics, 2012 is being
given in terms of provisions of the Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations
(NSFs) and National Sports Development Fund. Assistance is mainly for coaching camps,
engagement of Indian and foreign coaches, supporting personnel, training as well as
participation in international competitions abroad, cost of air passage and boarding &
Diet charges @ Rs.400 per day per athlete, food supplements @ Rs.250 per day per athlete,
sports kit @ Rs.10,000 per athlete twice in a year, medical insurance as per actuals, air
travel (economy class) from residence to training/competition destination, engagement of
foreign coaches at a salary not ordinarily exceeding US Dollars 7000 net of taxes per month,
plus other perks like boarding and lodging, local transport etc. engagement of Chief/National
Coach at a salary not exceeding Rs.50,000 per month, engagement of other Indian coaches at a
salary not exceeding Rs.30,000 per month are, inter-alia, being provided for preparation of
athletes for London Olympics, 2012.
(c) Till 30th November, 2011, approximately an amount of Rs.111.19 crore has been spent on
preparation of athletes for London Olympics, 2012. The details in this regard are given in
Annexure I.