Question : Irrigation Facilities-Targets

(a) the details of targets sets and achieved for irrigating land along with funds allocated/utilized for irrigation system in the country during the last as well as current Five Year Plan period including the area of irrigated vis-a-vis unirrigated land at present, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether the Government is aware that a huge area of land including agricultural land in the country still lack irrigation facilities and if so, the details thereof, State/ UT-wise and the reasons therefor along with the action taken in this regard;

(c) whether the targets set for irrigation of the entire agricultural land in the country have been achieved and if so, the extent thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps taken/to be taken by the Government to achieve the targets within stipulated time and efforts made to strengthen irrigation system along with increasing the irrigated area by irrigating the unirrigated land of the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Water resources projects are planned, funded, executed and maintained by the State Governments themselves as per their own resources and priority. In order to supplement the efforts of the State Governments, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR) provides financial assistance to State Governments to encourage sustainable development and efficient management of water resources through Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) scheme under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY). Target for potential creation in the State are set by concerned States.

Details of irrigation potential created and Central Assistance (CA) released under AIBP is given at Annexure-I.

As per Land Use Statistic available at Ministry of Agriculture’s website; the details of state-wise net irrigated and unirrigated area is given at Annexure-II.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi SinchayeeYojana (PMKSY) has been launched during 2015-16 to serve as a platform for convergence of investments in irrigation through comprehensive District and State irrigation Plans. The focus is on improving water use efficiency at farm level and bridging the gap between irrigation potential created and utilization.

Ninety nine (99) Major/medium Irrigation Projects having potential of 76.03 lakh ha. have been identified in consultation with states, to be completed in phases by Dec., 2019. For completion of these projects in a mission mode, innovative funding mechanism through NABARD is envisaged.

Annexure-I as mentioned in the part (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1968 Regarding Irrigation Facilities/Targets due for reply on 28.07.2016
State-wise Irrigation Potential Created and Central Assistance released under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme

S. No. Name of States Irrigation Potential Created (Th. HA.) Central Assistance released (Rs. In Cr.)
During XI Plan During XII Plan * During XI Plan During XII Plan#
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 169.74 20.77 1107.85 0.00
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 30.19 7.74 194.34 129.39
3 ASSAM 199.71 91.70 1904.38 1627.00
4 BIHAR 40.34 16.72 321.14 150.45
5 CHHATISGARH 114.09 21.04 727.17 362.40
6 GOA 7.89 2.42 132.21 8.00
7 GUJARAT 164.90 402.98 1211.83 3055.45
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 63.40 25.49 497.27 80.92
10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 192.87 36.34 1154.71 338.59
11 JHARKHAND 28.16 70.28 815.79 885.59
12 KARNATAKA 124.45 53.98 2695.31 1031.47
13 KERALA 12.90 3.86 14.73 0.00
14 MADHYA PRADESH 387.62 240.32 2865.03 2199.34
15 MAHARASHTRA 360.59 65.08 7894.42 1638.35
16 MANIPUR 42.00 6.84 662.75 639.65
17 MEGHALAYA 31.52 0.22 239.96 138.50
18 MIZORAM 23.05 0.00 214.71 0.00
19 NAGALAND 35.61 6.33 289.04 183.12
20 ORISSA 113.56 38.32 3426.99 208.60
21 PUNJAB 70.13 1.00 229.20 1.05
22 RAJASTHAN 631.86 21.74 538.02 55.00
23 SIKKIM 1.90 7.36 53.92 4.50
25 TELANGANA 127.83 86.48 2456.50 177.83
26 TRIPURA 13.29 0.94 170.36 17.75
27 UTTRA PRADESH 461.47 130.67 1416.63 1603.39
28 UTTRAKHAND 140.68 22.69 1157.13 339.02
29 WEST BENGAL 70.84 5.15 228.78 0.00
Total 3660.60 1386.45 32620.16 14875.34
* upto March,2014
# upto March,2016

Annexure-II as mentioned in the part (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1968 Regarding Irrigation Facilities/Targets due for reply on 28.07.2016
State-wise Net Un-irrigated area (Area in Th. Ha.)
Sr. No. State/Union Territory/Year Geogra-phical Area Net Irrigated Area Net Un-Irrigated Area

1 ANDHRA PRADESH 27507 4575 6541
3 ASSAM 7844 161 2649
4 BIHAR 9416 3053 2349
5 CHHATTISGARH 13519 1449 3222
6 GOA 370 36 96
7 GUJARAT 19602 4233 6069
8 HARYANA 4421 3102 410
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 5567 110 433
10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 22224 325 420
11 JHARKHAND 7972 210 1196
12 KARNATAKA 19179 3421 6373
13 KERALA 3886 396 1652
14 MADHYA PRADESH 30825 8550 6802
15 MAHARASHTRA 30771 3244 14100
16 MANIPUR 2233 49 261
17 MEGHALAYA 2242.9 65 220
18 MIZORAM 2108 14 102
19 NAGALAND 1658 85 295
20 ODISHA 15571 1248 3139
21 PUNJAB 5036 4115 36
22 RAJASTHAN 34224 7499 9980
23 SIKKIM 710 14 63
24 TAMIL NADU 13006 2643 1902
25 TRIPURA 1049 60 196
26 UTTARAKHAND 5348 338 369
27 UTTAR PRADESH 24093 13929 2635
28 WEST BENGAL 8875 3082 2123
30 CHANDIGARH 11 1 0
32 DAMAN & DIU 11 0 3
33 DELHI 148 22 0
35 PUDUCHERRY 48 14 2
Total 328726 66103 73829

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