(a): As per Census 2001, there are 3,42,89,729 widows and 23,42,930 divorced/separated women in the country. State/UT wise number of widows, divorcee is annexed (Annexure-I). Data on destitute women is not collected in Census.
(b) (c)& (d):Ministry of Women and Child Development is administering following two major schemes for the welfare and rehabilitation of such women.:-
i. Swadhar Scheme:Swadhar Scheme was launched in the year 2001-2002 for rehabilitation of women in difficult circumstances. The scheme provides primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women/girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic support. The beneficiaries include widows deserted by their families and relatives left uncared near religious places where they are victims of exploitation, women prisoners released from jail and without family support, and similarly placed women in difficult circumstances. At present 311Swadhar Shelter Homes are functioning across the country.
ii. Short Stay Home:- Recognising the need to prevent women from exploitation and to support their survival and rehabilitation, the scheme of Short Stay Home for women and girls was introduced as a social defence mechanism, by the then Department of Women and Child Development in 1969. The scheme provides 24 hours residential temporary accommodation, maintenance and rehabilitative services to women and girls rendered homeless due to family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism etc. 320 Short Stay Homes are functioning across the country. The scheme is being implemented by the Central Social Welfare Board.
Under these schemes skill upgradation for economic rehabilitation is provided to the beneficiaries Both the schemes are Central Sector Schemes and funds are released to the implementing agencies which are mainly NGOs.
The funds released to the implementing agencies and number of beneficiaries State/UT wise during the last three years and current year under Swadhar and Short Stay Home schemes are given in the Annexure II ‘A’ and Annexure II ‘B’.
(e): An evaluation study conducted by the Centre for Market Research and Social Development, New Delhi revealed that both Swadhar Shelter Homes and Short Stay Homes have succeeded in catering to address the specific vulnerability of each group of women in difficult circumstances.
(f): No, Madam.
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