Question : UDID Cards for Differently Abled Persons

(a) the number of Unique Disability ID cards that have been issued and the total number of persons with disabilities in the country, State-wise;

(b) the reasons for issuance of Unique Disability ID card to such a low percentage of eligible people;

(c) the types of disability that make an individual eligible for a Unique Disability ID card;

(d) whether individuals with acquired disability (from illness or accidents) and people with learning disabilities will be eligible; and

(e) the details of the benefits that will be available to Unique Disability ID card holders?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per Census 2011, there are 2.68 crore Persons with Disabilities in the country. The number of Unique Disability ID cards issued upto 30.01.2020 are 29,04,420. State wise details of Persons with Disabilities as per the 2011 census and Unique Disability ID cards generated is annexed.
(b): Implementation of the Unique Disability ID cards project was started in 2016-17. All States/UTs came on board only in December 2019. Since the State health authorities are responsible for issue of certificate of disability/ Unique Disability ID card, the actual implementation of the project lies with the preparedness of the States concerned.
(c)&(d): The Schedule of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 contains the list of specified disabilities, including Specific Learning Disabilities, copy of which is annexed. Any person who has any specified disability mentioned under the Schedule of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 can apply for the certificate of disability through the UDID portal or otherwise, irrespective of the cause of disability i.e. by birth or by accident. Any person who has a valid certificate of benchmark disability i.e. 40% and above is eligible for the UDID card as of now.
(e): No specified benefit has been linked to Unique Disability ID card at this stage. However, some States such as Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh have linked the benefit of concessional travel by State Transport undertaking buses with Unique Disability ID card.

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