(a): The industry-wise/company-wise employment details of the workers employed are not
maintained centrally. As per the information received from the Chief Inspector of
Factories of the States and Union Territories, the State-wise details of employment in
factories during the year 2011 is given at Annexure-I.
(b) & (c): Adequate statutory provisions for safety and welfare of workers already exist
under the various labour laws. The Government of India has declared the National Policy
on Safety, Health and Environment at Workplace on 20th February, 2009. State Governments
also undertake various educational and promotional activities such as training of
employees, celebration of safety weeks etc.
Directorate General Factory Advice and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI), an attached office
of Ministry of Labour and Employment also conducts training programmes on safety and
health for target beneficiaries such as safety officers, factory medical officers,
factory inspectors, workers, supervisors and executives. The details of the Training
Programmes/Workshops conducted in 2011 carried out by DGFASLI and the number of
beneficiaries is given in Annexure â II.
(d) to (f): Regular inspections are conducted under various Labour Laws which lay down
norms for health and welfare of worker in order to safeguard their interest. Appropriate
action is taken by the Inspecting Authorities including initiating prosecution cases
against defaulters under the labour laws.
The State-wise Prosecution and Convictions under in the Factories registered under
Factories Act, 1948 is given at Annexure-III. The details of enforcement of Labour
Laws including inspections, irregularities observed, prosecution cases filed under
various Labour Laws in the Central Sphere Establishments are given at Annexure-IV.