(a) the number of villages per district proposed to be electrified during the current year in the State of Karnataka;

(b) the details of budget allocated and the amount of money spent on the same;

(c) the number of villages per district still to be electrified;

(d) whether Government has also allocated special budget for the maintenance of power stations, sub-stations, transformers, etc. for Karnataka; and

(e) if so, the amount allocated for maintenance project and the amount spent till now?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), 132 un/de-electrified villages of Karnataka were to be electrified as per the sanctioned Detailed Project Reports (DPRs). But based on the survey, the numbers of un/de-electrified villages were reduced to 69 and out of which the works in 59 un/de-electrified villages have been completed upto 15.11.2010. For the current year, the target for electrification is remaining 10 un/de- electrified villages, which include 5 villages each of Belgaum and Uttar Kannada districts. The district-wise details of number of villages to be electrified in case of un/de-electrified villages for the sanctioned projects under RGGVY in Karnataka, is at Annex.

(b): There is no upfront allocation of funds for any State/district under RGGVY. Funds are released against sanctioned projects in instalments based on the reported utilization of amount in the previous instalment(s) and fulfillment of other conditionalities. Under RGGVY, against the total awarded cost of Rs.885.34 crore, cumulatively, an amount of Rs.635.77 crore has been released in Karnataka upto 31.10.2010.

(c) : As per reply to part (a) above.

(d) & (e) : The projects under Re-structured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) is being taken up in two parts i.e. Part A & Part B. Investment in Part-A is for establishment of IT enabled Baseline System and investment under Part–B is for strengthening of sub- transmission distribution system. Under Part `A`, 98 schemes at the cost of Rs. 391.14 Crore have been sanctioned for the State of Karnataka and against sanction of these schemes, Rs.117.11 Crore has been released to State Discoms as Ist tranche for implementation of the projects. Under Part `B`, 88 schemes at the cost of Rs.948.99 Crore have been sanctioned for the State and against sanction of these schemes, Rs.73.66 Crore has been released to State Discoms as Ist tranche for implementation of the projects. These investments are for renovation and modernization of sub-transmission and distribution system, which inter-alia include renovation and modernization of sub-stations and transformers.