Question : National Water Mission

(a) the details of goals envisaged including strategies identified to achieve them under the National Water Mission;
(b) the funds allocated and expenditure incurred under the Mission during the last three years, State/UT-wise;
(c) whether the goals outlined therein have been achieved;
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and
(e) the initiatives taken/being taken by the Government to achieve the said goals?

Answer given by the minister



(a) (c) & (d) The details of the Goals envisaged and the achievements are given in Annexure-I. The same may be reached at

(b) Details of the funds allocated and expenditure incurred under the Mission during last three years are given in table as below:
Year Funds allocated (in crore) Funds utilized ( in crore)
2015-16 20.00 6.74
2016-17 25.00 4.45
2017-18 15.00 1.17

The State/UT wise details of funds allocated and released for carrying out Base Line studies, funds allocated and utilized by the States/UTs for State Specific Action Plan (SSAP) and funds sanctioned for other Pilot Projects during the last three years are at Annexure II a, II b and II c respectively.

(e) Water being a State subject, initiatives on water governance is primarily States’ responsibility. In order to achieve the goals, NWM initiated preparation of State Water Budget by developing a template to be filled in by the State Governments as a part of their State Specific Action Plan for water sector (SSAP-Water).

National Water Mission has taken an initiative to bridge the critical water governance gap through an institutional mechanism of State Water Budgeting on the lines similar to that of financial budgeting. Under State Water Budgeting, all sources of water viz., Rainfall, Glaciers, Springs, Rivers, Water storage structures, Wetlands, Tanks, Ground water, Coastal water and Waste water are measured/ estimated in terms of availability, utilizability, supply, demand and consumption on an annual basis taking 1st June (start of water year) as a reference. Simultaneously water (Utilizable) is allocated to various sectors- Forestry & wildlife, Farm Sector, Industry & Infrastructure, Establishments and Institutions and Drinking water for domestic use, based on past usage like. The model provides flexibility to meet the emerging demands with a revision of allocations subject to a condition that annual water use should not exceed estimated annual water availability.


Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) (c) & (d) of Unstarred Q.No. 3856 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 09.08.2018 regarding “ National Water Mission”.
Sl. No. NWM Goal Achievements

Goal 1 Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources. a. The comprehensive water data base in public domain is hosted on IndiaWARIS website (ver. 4.1) of MoWR, RD & GR. The site may be reached at
b. For assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources, studies on impact of climate change on 7 river basins – (Mahanadi, Mahi, Luni, Tapi, Sabarmati, Subarnarekha and western flowing rivers from Tadri to Kanyakumari) are being by conducted by various institutions like Indian Institute of Technology’s (IIT’s), National Institute of Technology’s (NIT’s), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Benguluru and National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee through the Research & Development wing of the Ministry during 2016 -2017.
Goal 2 Promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation, augmentation and preservation. a. Under Capacity building programmes, 14259 participants were trained.
b. Trainings on Water conservation, Water use efficiency, Participatory irrigation Management, etc. in association with Water and Land Management Association (WALMI), Aurangabad and National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) were organized.
Goal 3 Focused attention on vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas
a. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has undertaken a study on Mainstreaming Integrated Flood Management under Climate Change in Burhi Gandak basin in Bihar and Brahmani-Baitarani basin in Odisha during 2015-2016.
b. A Pilot project is being carried out by Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, on cost effective water purification and desalination technologies in one village (MotaAsota) of Dev Bhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat during the year 2016-2017.
Goal 4 Increasing Water Use Efficiency by 20%
a. Twenty six base Line studies for Improving Water Use Efficiency (WUE) in Irrigation Sector through Major and Medium Irrigation projects are being undertaken in the states of Assam, Manipur, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala.
b. A scoping study for a National Water Use Efficiency Improvement Support Program for Major and Medium Irrigation Projects has been completed with technical assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2015.
c. Two pilot projects, Dharoi Irrigation Project in Gujarat and Sanjay Sarovar Irrigation Project in Madhya Pradesh, have been completed for increasing water use efficiency during 2015-2016 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
d. Efficiency labeling of water appliances and fixtures is being done for Washing Machine, Water purifier, Dish Washer, Tap, Bath Shower and Cistern in partnership with Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS). The efficiency labeling in respect of Washing Machine is nearing completion and work on others are in progress.
e. Benchmarking study in industrial water use for Thermal Power plants, Textile, Pulp & Paper and Steel Industry is being undertaken by The Energy and Resource Institute, (TERI), New Delhi.
f. Pilot Project titled “Grey Water to Blue Water” on developing Natural Treatment Techniques for Transforming Waste water into Sustainable Useable Water through National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan and IIT Bombay is being undertaken.
Goal 5 Promotion of basin level integrated water resources management. a. State Specific Action Plans (SSAP) for water sector in respect of 11 States (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Arunachal Pradesh) have been taken up in Phase- I and the remaining states are being taken up in Phase –II.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Unstarred Q.No. 3856 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 09.08.2018 regarding “ National Water Mission”.
State wise project on Base Line Studies

No. State Institute Name of the Project Allocated amount
(in lakhs) Funds released (in lakh)
1. Assam NERIWALM Tezpur Pahumara Medium Irrigation Project 23.70 9.48
2. Manipur NERIWALM Loktak 52.81 21.12
3. Assam NERIWALM Kaliabor Lift 22.53 9.01
4. Assam NERIWALM Rupahi 12.79 5.12
5. Assam NERIWALM Sukla 32.93 13.17
6. Andhra Pradesh WALAMTARI
Hyderabad Rallapadu 36.18 14.47
7. Telangana WALAMTARI
Peddavagu 36.18 14.47
8. Andhra Pradesh WALAMTARI
Torrigadda 36.18 14.47
9. Andhra Pradesh WALAMTARI
36.18 14.47
10. Andhra Pradesh WALAMTARI
Guntur Channel 36.18 14.47
11. Andhra Pradesh WALAMTARI
Vengalaraysagar 36.18 14.47
12. Telangana WALAMTARI Vattivagu 36.18 14.47
13. Telangana WALAMTARI
Taliperu 36.18 14.47
14. Telangana WALAMTARI
Sathnalla 36.18 14.47
15. Telangana WALAMTARI
Musi 36.18 14.47
16. Maharashtra WALMI
Aurangabad Arunavati 33.55 13.42
17. Maharashtra WALMI
Bor 33.55 13.42
18. Maharashtra WALMI
Girna 33.55 13.42
19. Maharashtra WALMI
Karpara 20.35 8.14
20. Maharashtra WALMI
Palkhed 33.55 13.42
21. Maharashtra WALMI
Panzara 33.55 13.42
22. Kerala CWRDM, Kerala Kuttiadi 9.416 3.766
23. Kerala CWRDM Malampuzha 9.416 3.766
24. Kerala CWRDM Peechi 9.416 3.766
25. Kerala CWRDM Muvattupuzha valley 9.416 3.766
26. Kerala CWRDM Neyyar 9.416 3.766

Annexure-II b
Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Unstarred Q.No. 3856 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 09.08.2018 regarding “ National Water Mission”.

Summary of State Specific Action (SSAP)

S. No. Name of State/UT’s Funds allocated
(Rupees in lakhs) Funds Utilized
1. Andhra Pradesh 20 20
2. Assam 20 20
3. Chhatisgarh 20 20
4. Gujarat 20 20
5. Karnataka 20 20
6. Maharashtra 20 20
7. Madhya Pradesh 20 20
8. Odisha 20 20
9. Telangana 20 20
10. Tamil Nadu 20 20
11. Uttarakhand 12 12
12. West Bengal 20 20
1. Arunachal Pradesh 12 12
2. Meghalaya 12 12
3. Manipur - -
4. Mizoram - -
5. Nagaland 12 12
6. Sikkim 12 12

Annexure –II c
Annexure referred to in reply to part (b) of Unstarred Q.No. 3856 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 09.08.2018 regarding “ National Water Mission”.
Other Pilot Projects
S. No State Project Sanctioned Amount
(in crore) Released
Amount& date
(in Crore)
1. Uttarakhand Pilot Project titled “Grey Water to Blue Water” on developing Natural Treatment Techniques for Transforming Waste water into Sustainable Useable Water through National Institute of Hydrology, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan and IIT Bombay 1.61 0.64
2. Gujarat A Pilot project being carried out by Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, on cost effective water purification and desalination technologies in village (Mota Asota) of Dev Bhumi, Dwarka
3. All States/UTs Benchmarking study in industrial water use for Thermal Power plants, Textile, Pulp & Paper and Steel Industry is being undertaken by The Energy and Resource Institute, (TERI), New Delhi. 1.61 0.42


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