(a) whether a number of trees and plants fall/get uprooted every year during storms, heavy rainfall and are chopped due to concretisation of pavements and civil works including during the Commonwealth Games in the NCT of Delhi;

(b) if so, the total number of trees which fall/got uprooted/were chopped during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether any study has been conducted on the health of trees;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken on the findings of the study;

(e) whether the Government has taken steps to prevent felling of trees, strengthening of existing ones, planting of new saplings etc;

(f) if so, the details alongwith the number of new saplings planted, funds granted and utilised by the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) during each of the last three years and the current year separately;

(g) if not, the reasons therefor; and

(h) the details of the steps taken by the NDMC and MCD to protect the plants and trees?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Except wind fallen/concretised trees, trees in Delhi are removed in accordance with the provisions contained in the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994 and the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and rules made thereunder.

The number of trees on the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) land, fallen or got uprooted due to age and natural reasons like storms, etc during each of the last three years and the current year is as under:

Year	Number of trees fallen	due to wind, etc

2007-08 71

2008-09 92

2009-10 84

2010-11 (till date) 52

The number of trees fallen/got uprooted/were chopped in the jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) during each of the last three years and the current year is as under:
Year	Trees got uprooted due	Chopped due to concretization	to rain and storm	of pavements and civil works
2007-08 63 2

2008-09 261 165

2009-10 245 556

2010-11 (till date) 283 187

The year-wise details of trees fallen/ got uprooted during each of the last three years and the current year in the area under the management of the Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) are as under:
Year	Number of trees fallen	due to wind, etc

2007 11

2008 5

2009 2

2010 (till date) Nil

However, no tree was cut/chopped by the DCB on account of concretisation of pavements and other civil works.

(c) and (d): No such study has been conducted by the Department of Forests and Wildlife of the Government of NCT of Delhi, the MCD and the DCB. However, the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun carried out the survery of health of trees on around 48 roads and Central Vista in the NDMC area. A total of 6288 trees were inspected out of which, 5507 trees were found healthy, 435 trees dead or decayed, 86 trees deformed, 221 trees diseased and physical injury on 145 trees. Out of these, 196 trees were recommended for removal /treatment. The action taken by the NDMC in this regard includes removal of dry and dead trees; treating fungal, termite and insect infected trees; treating and filling cavities; regular pruning of trees, training of staff, etc.

(e) to (h): A number of steps have been taken by the civic agencies to protect the health of trees in their areas. The steps taken by the NDMC include maintaining the area around trees as green soft space to provide aeration and moisture to trees; support to young saplings and trees through tree guards, watering, appropriate pruning and manuring; routine inspection of trees by Plant Protection Cell for any fungal, insect, pest and termite infestation; training of field staff through Forest Research Institute, Dehradun and IARI, New Delhi; introduction of a tree ambulance to take care of tree maintenance requirements, including health of trees; provision of a tree washer for washing of trees; etc. The steps taken by the MCD include leaving sufficient uncemented space around the trees to allow water to percolate in the root zone of trees; removal of diseased branches; application of anti-termite pesticides; filling up the hollow in the stem by cement for giving it a longer life, etc. Timely pruning of trees is done by the DCB to prevent felling of trees. In adition, new saplings are planted regularly by the DCB for eco-friendly environment.

The number of new saplings planted by the MCD and the NDMC during each of the last three years and the current year is as under:
Year	Number of new saplings	Number of new saplings	planted by the MCD	planted by the NDMC

2007-08 180514 20411

2008-09 194447 20093

2009-10 197105 20000

2010-11 179534 (till date) 12878 (till October, 2010)

No specific allocations in this regard have been made in the budget of the MCD. However, the MCD carries out the above-mentioned works as maintenance of horticulture work. The allocation made and expenditure incurred by the Horticulture Department of the MCD during each of the last three years and the current year are as under:
Amount in lakh rupees

Year Allocation Expenditure

2007-08 3940.49 2686.94

2008-09 5548.80 3534.45

2009-10 4843.10 4093.70

2010-11 (till date) 4822.15 3303.99

The Horticulture Department of the NDMC takes care of such needs from its overall annual budget. The details of the Department’s budget allocation and utilisation during each of the last three years and the current year are as under:
Amount in lakh rupees

Year Budget Expenditure

2007-08 275.00 259.54

2008-09 275.00 244.29

2009-10 475.00 351.80

2010-11 (till 475.00 387.87 October, 2010)