(a) to (d): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.382 for answer on 21st April, 2015 regarding “Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites” raised by Shri Baijayant Jay Panda.
(a) to (d) The Government is implementing the following two programmes for rehabilitation of abandoned sites and dumps in the country:
(i) A project for remediation of 12 contaminated areas in 8 States having multiple sites is being implemented through Central Pollution Control Board at the cost of Rs.805.00 crore with 40% funding from National Clean Energy Fund and 60% as a contribution of State Governments. These States are Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Gujarat. The project activities include assessment of contamination, preparation & implementation of remediation plans for each of the selected sites, and monitoring of 50 pre-selected contaminated sites. In the implementation phase, consultants have been selected for preparation of detailed project reports for remediation of 8 sites. The initial grant of Rs.10.00 crore to CPCB is being put to use in preparation of DPRs.
(ii) An Externally Aided Project (EAP) from World Bank for Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management (CBIPM) is being implemented with three objectives namely, preparation of National Plan for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites (NPRPS) which includes institutional and methodological framework for rehabilitation of highly polluted abandoned sites; capacity building of State Government agencies for remediation: and actual remediation of 4 pilot sites in States of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with 15% cost sharing by State Governments. The project outlay is Rs.339.26 crore. The works contract for Kadapa site in Andhra Pradesh has been awarded. The task of final remediation plan for NMK Lake site in Telangana, Dhapa MSW site and Hoogly site in West Bengal has been completed. The capacity building at State level in terms of installation of testing equipments has been completed in all the States. A sum of Rs.49.95 crore has been utilized out of a total allocation of Rs.52.64 crore (State-wise details annexed). National Plan for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites (NPRPS) is one of the components of World Bank Assisted CBIPM Project with the objectives of preparing inventory and mapping of probably contaminated sites in India, developing methodologies for implementation of remediation projects, and development of the legal, institutional and financial framework for implementation of the programme in all identified sites. All these tasks are being achieved in accordance with the specified targets and revised timelines from time to time.