Question : Bio-Fortified Food Crops

(a) whether the Government has launched any scheme to promote the cultivation bio-fortified food crops and introduced new varieties of crops enriched with micro nutrients like iron-rich millet, protein rich maize and zinc-rich wheat;

(b) if so, the amount of funds earmarked for the implementation of the said scheme;

(c) whether the Government is contemplating nation wide implementation of the scheme; and

(d) the details of the amount of funds allocated so far under the said scheme, State-wise including Wardha Parliamentary Constituency, Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) to (d): In order to promote the cultivation of bio-fortified varieties of food crops enriched with micro-nutrients like iron- rich millet, protein rich maize & zinc rich wheat, Government of India is already implementing the programme of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) in the country including Maharashtra by organizing at least 10% of the front line demonstrations or as per the availability of seed of bio-fortified varieties through ICAR Institutions/Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). In addition, states are also organizing cluster demonstrations on various food crops under which they have been given liberty to organize demonstrations on these bio-fortified varieties.

The Government of India allocates the funds to the States/ICAR Institutions for the programme as a whole and further allocations to Districts/Centres are made by the respective States/Institutes. The state wise/agency wise details of the funds allocated (including unspent balance) under NFSM including Maharashtra during the year 2019-20 is Annexed.

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