(a) A statement is annexed.
(b) While the total exports of spices from India have increased during last two years, export of certain items of spices have come down, as the annexed statement would show.
(c) Major reasons for decline in exports of spices include emergence of new producers of spices, and more competitive prices being offered by them.
(d) It is the constant endeavor of Government to increase export of spices. Some of the steps taken, through the Spices Board, include adoption of high-tech processes and technology upgradation for value addition; promotion of Indian spices in major markets through market studies, product development, market promotion; support to organic spice farming, Integrated pest and diseases management, better post harvest improvement programme, research programmes etc.
Quantity in Tonnes; Value in Rs. Crores
2000-01 2001-02(E) 2002-03(E)
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Pepper 21,830 380.82 24,000 211.93 20,000 166.10 Cardamom(Small) 1,545 84.68 900 55.86 550 37.60 Cardamom(Large) 1,506 24.51 1,250 20.38 1,300 18.48 Chilli 62,448 229.73 75,000 255.84 83,000 301.55 Ginger 6,288 26.82 8,000 25.04 8,500 24.09 Turmeric 44,627 115.58 35,000 84.63 32,000 99.38 Coriander 12,480 37.36 15,000 45.05 15,500 47.85 Cumin 18,891 178.35 14,000 123.35 10,000 76.15 Celery 4,565 14.11 4,500 13.57 4,250 13.46 Fennel 4,417 18.82 4,000 16.28 4,200 16.67 Fenugreek 9,353 19.78 6,000 15.10 11,250 25.00 Other seeds (1) 3,708 14.31 5,000 17.67 12,250 29.24 Garlic 11,087 12.75 1,100 3.87 1,250 5.71 Nutmeg & Mace 856 16.30 1,350 19.90 1,400 26.35 Vanilla 22 5.05 27 17.51 25 22.26 Other spices(2) 18,408 62.86 35,623 144.79 25,975 110.89 Curry Powder 5,841 43.00 6,250 40.48 6,750 46.40 Mint oil 4,185 154.98 3,600 127.64 8,500 360.56 Spice Oleoresins & other oils 3,860 393.71 4,400 386.48 4,250 362.29
Total 235,916 1833.53 245,000 1625.35 250,950 1790.00
Value in Million US$ 400.51 341.60 370.10
(1) Include Aniseed, Bishops weed (Ajwainseed), Dillseed, Poppyyseed, Mustard etc.
(2) Include Tamarind, Asafoetida, Cinnamon, Cassia, Saffron etc.
Source: Spices Board (E) Estimated