Question : Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act- 1985

(a) whether the Government has enforced the Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985 to protect the livelihood of the handloom weavers and industry in the country;

(b) if so, whether the Government has asked the powerloom owners to desist from producing notified items in the reserved list;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether any monitoring committee has been formed for effective implementation of the above order; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): Yes madam. The Government of India has promulgated the Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act, 1985 dated 29.3.1985 with a view to protect the interests of the handloom weavers and rich cultural heritage of the country from the encroachment of the powerloom and mill sector on their livelihood.

Under the Act, presently 11 textile articles with certain technical specifications are reserved under the Handloom Reservation Order vide Notification No. S. O. No. 2160 (E) dated 3rd September 2008 for exclusive production on handlooms only. Powerlooms are prohibited to produce these reserved articles. These articles are: 1) Saree, 2) Dhoti, 3)Towel, Gamcha and Angawastaram, 4) Lungi, 5) Khes, Bedsheet, Bedcover, Counterpane, Furnishing (including tapestry, upholstery), 6) Jamakkalam Durry or Durret, 7) Dress Material, 8) Barrack Blankets, Kambal or Kamblies, 9) Shawl, Loi, Muffler, Pankhi etc., 10) Woollen Tweed, 11) Chaddar, Mekhala/Phanek.

All the State Governments, Enforcement Wings of the Office of the Development Commissioner (Handlooms) and Weavers Service Centres are the implementing agencies to implement the provisions of the Act. In order to implement the provisions of the Act effectively, every year, targets of powerloom inspections are fixed by the Office of the Development Commissioner (Handlooms) and circulated to all the implementing agencies for compliance. Wherever any violation is detected, suitable action under the provisions of the Act is initiated.

The progress of powerloom inspections for the last four years is as follows:-

Sl. No. Physical progress 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
(Upto Oct, 2015)
1. Targets for powerloom inspections 2,72,013 2,90,420 3,08,888 3,21,452
2. No. of powerlooms inspected 2,76,011 2,90,773 3,09,817 1,54,994
3. No. of FIRs. lodged 97 113 88 41
4. No. of convictions obtained 39 37 66 25


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