Question : Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB)

(a) whether the Government has set up the Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) for implementation of the welfare programmes for women and children through voluntary organizations, if so, the details thereof along with the structure, functions and budget allocated in this regard;
(b) whether CSWB carry out welfare activities and programme for women and children;
(c) if so, the details thereof and funds allocated/sanctioned during the last three years;
(d) whether the CSWB has introduced Family Counseling Centres to provide counseling, referral and rehabilitative services to women and children in distress and if so, the details thereof along with the achievements made so far, State/UT-wise;
(e) whether Government has reviewed the functioning of the CSWB, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor ; and
(f) the other steps being taken by the Government to improve the working of the CSWB?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Government of India has set up Central Social Welfare Board with the following objectives and functions:

(i) To study the needs and requirements of social welfare organizations from time to time through surveys, research and evaluation in such manner as may be considered necessary.

(ii) To evaluate the programmes and projects of the aided agencies;

(iii) To co-ordinate assistance extended to social welfare activities by various Ministries in Central and State Governments in the programmes entrusted to the Central Social Welfare Board.

(iv) To promote the setting up of social welfare organizations on voluntary basis in places where no such organizations exist and to promote additional organizations wherever necessary;

(v) To render necessary technical and financial aid to deserving institutions or organizations including Panchayati Raj Institutions in accordance with the schemes/principles approved by Government of India.

(vi) To promote social welfare activities intended for the general welfare of the public such as welfare of the family, women children and the handicapped and assistance in cases of un-employment, under employment, old age, sickness, disablement and other cases of undeserved want;

(vii) To organize or promote programmes of training in social work as and when required and also to organize and work pilot projects whenever necessary; and

The Central Social Welfare Board is governed by its General Body headed by the Chairperson of the Central Board. The administration of the affairs of the Central Social Welfare Board is vested in its Executive Committee headed by the Chairperson and Executive Director as its Member Secretary. The Budget allocation for the year 2019-2020 is Rs.7500.00 lakhs.

(b) Yes, Sir.

(c) The Central Social Welfare Board is implementing Family Counselling Centre programme to provide counselling, referral and rehabilitative services to family particularly to women and children in distress. The Central Board is organizing workshops and trainings for the capacity building of the counsellors and functionaries of the implementing agencies. Year-wise funds sanctioned is as under: -

Year Amount Sanctioned (Rs. in Lakhs)
1. 2016-17 2374.91
2. 2017-18 2167.80
3. 2018-19 2032.72
4. 2019-2020
(as on 09.03.2020) 1937.67

(d) Yes, Sir, year-wise details are at Annexure-I, II, III & IV.

(e) Yes, Sir, a committee has been constituted.

(f) Regular review and monitoring of the functioning of CSWB is being done by Government.



Statement showing Sanction& Release Position
Family Counseling Centre programme - 2016-17

Allocation of funds : Rs. 2355.00 lakh

S. No. Name of the State/UT No. of Centres Sanctioned Amount Sanctioned (Rs. In lakh) Amount Released/Utilized (Rs. In lakh)
1 Andhra Pradesh 30 86.4 77.61
2 A & N Island 2 7.56 5.76
3 Bihar 18 51.84 25.92
4 Chandigarh 5 14.4 11.47
5 Chhattisgarh 13 37.44 27.33
6 Delhi 18 54 51.12
7 Goa 2 5.76 5.73
8 Gujarat 44 126.72 125.27
9 Haryana 15 44.64 42.7
10 Himachal Pradesh 6 17.28 17.28
11 Jammu & Kashmir 26 74.88 57.85
12 Jharkhand 26 74.99 62.94
13 Karnataka 44 131.04 122.42
14 Kerala 40 117.72 108.65
15 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 46 132.48 132.21
17 Maharashtra 67 192.96 186.67
18 Odisha 25 73.8 66.24
19 Puducherry 8 24.12 20.71
20 Punjab 8 23.04 17.28
21 Rajasthan 29 83.52 82.42
22 Tamilnadu 61 177.84 174.4
23 Telangana 20 57.6 34.31
24 Uttar Pradesh 77 221.76 220.99
25 Uttarakhand 16 46.08 32.81
26 West Bengal 45 129.6 129.32
Total 691 2007.47 1839.41
27 Arunachal Pradesh 4 11.52 8.64
28 Assam 27 80.64 69.68
29 Manipur 11 34.2 24.38
30 Meghalaya 2 7.56 7.27
31 Mizoram 9 27.72 26.11
32 Nagaland 2 7.56 6.65
33 Sikkim 3 9.72 9.63
34 Tripura 11 38.52 35.91
Total 69 217.44 188.27
Grand Total 760 2224.91 2027.68


Statement showing Sanction& Release Position
Family Counseling Centre programme - 2017-18

Allocation of funds :Rs. 1838.24 lakh

S. No. Name of the State/UT No. of Centres Sanctioned Amount Sanctioned (Rs. In lakh) Amount Released/Utilized (Rs. In lakh)
1 Andhra Pradesh 28 80.64 56.88
2 A & N Island 2 7.2 6.84
3 Bihar 18 51.84 58.43
4 Chandigarh 4 11.52 11.2
5 Chhattisgarh 10 28.8 27.33
6 Delhi 18 54 51.12
7 Goa 2 5.76 5.76
8 Gujarat 44 126.72 128.07
9 Haryana 14 41.76 40.11
10 Himachal Pradesh 6 17.28 14.4
11 Jammu & Kashmir 26 74.88 78.08
12 Jharkhand 24 69.12 68.63
13 Karnataka 42 125.28 108.09
14 Kerala 40 117.72 122.96
15 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 44 129.6 123.84
17 Maharashtra 65 187.2 134.64
18 Orissa 25 73.08 74.93
19 Puducherry 8 24.12 31.17
20 Punjab 6 17.28 13.68
21 Rajasthan 28 80.64 63.36
22 Tamilnadu 59 172.08 134.97
23 Telangana 19 54.72 35.85
24 Uttar Pradesh 35 106.56 77.04
25 Uttarakhand 9 28.8 28.01
26 West Bengal 42 129.6 128.16
Total 618 1816.2 1623.55
27 Arunachal Pradesh 4 11.52 15.45
28 Assam 25 74.52 77.71
29 Manipur 11 34.2 45.39
30 Meghalaya 2 5.76 5.76
31 Mizoram 9 25.92 24.4
32 Nagaland 2 5.76 5.04
33 Sikkim 3 9.72 8.01
34 Tripura 11 34.2 32.93
Total 67 201.6 214.69
Grand Total 685 2017.8 1838.24


Statement showing Sanction& Release Position
Family Counseling Centre programme - 2018-19

Allocation of funds : Rs. 2268.00 lakh

Sl. No. Name of State No. of Centres sanctioned Amount sanctioned (Rs. in lakhs) Amount released/utilized
(Rs. In lakhs)
1 Andhra Pradesh 27 77.76 117.72
2 A & N Island 1 4.32 2.48
3 Bihar 1 2.88 2.77
4 Chandigarh 4 11.52 13.45
5 Chhattisgarh 8 25.92 20.16
6 Delhi 18 54 65.32
7 Goa 2 5.76 5.62
8 Gujarat 43 126.72 147.24
9 Haryana 13 41.76 41.87
10 Himachal Pradesh 6 17.28 22.77
11 Jammu & Kashmir 26 74.88 86.74
12 Jharkhand 18 51.84 56.7
13 Karnataka 40 119.52 140.38
14 Kerala 39 114.84 108.36
15 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 41 123.84 100.44
17 Maharashtra 61 178.56 264.06
18 Odisha 22 73.08 83.92
19 Puducherry 7 21.24 25.83
20 Punjab 6 17.28 18.72
21 Rajasthan 27 77.76 101.52
22 Tamilnadu 57 166.32 216.85
23 Telangana 18 54.72 78.45
24 Uttar Pradesh 33 100.8 118.43
25 Uttrakhand 5 14.4 20.22
26 West Bengal 41 120.96 145.44
Total 564

North East
27 Arunachal Pradesh 3 8.64 9.72
28 Assam 24 71.64 86.79
29 Manipur 11 34.2 35.91
30 Meghalaya 2 5.76 6.48
31 Mizoram 8 23.04 28.32
32 Nagaland 2 7.56 11.79
33 Sikkim 2 9.72 10.62
34 Tripura 10 34.2 36.39
Total 62
Grand Total 626 1872.72


Statement showing Sanction& Release Position
Family Counseling Centre programme
2019-20 (as on 09.03.2020)

Allocation of funds : Rs.2207.00 lakh

Sl. No. Name of State No. of Centres sanctioned Amount sanctioned (Rs. in lakhs) Amount released/utilized
(Rs. In lakhs)
1 Andhra Pradesh 27 77.76 62.24
2 A & N Island 1 4.32 1.8
3 Bihar 0 0 2.88
4 Chandigarh 4 11.52 9.12
5 Chhattisgarh 8 23.04 20.44
6 Delhi 19 54 39.96
7 Goa 2 5.76 5.49
8 Gujarat 42 120.96 89.86
9 Haryana 13 38.88 12.71
10 Himachal Pradesh 6 17.28 12.24
11 Jammu & Kashmir 26 74.88 58.5
12 Jharkhand 17 48.96 42.59
13 Karnataka 39 116.64 113.1
14 Kerala 38 111.96 107.42
15 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 40 115.2 124.56
17 Maharashtra 59 169.92 131.04
18 Odisha 22 64.44 53.25
19 Puducherry 7 21.24 15.21
20 Punjab 6 17.28 13.68
21 Rajasthan 27 77.76 55.95
22 Tamilnadu 57 166.32 133.99
23 Telangana 14 40.32 30.6
24 Uttar Pradesh 33 95.04 76.11
25 Uttrakhand 5 14.4 15.09
26 West Bengal 40 115.2 87.51
Total 552 1603.08 1315.34
North East
27 Arunachal Pradesh 3 8.64 7.89
28 Assam 24 70.2 47.97
29 Manipur 10 31.32 23.99
30 Meghalaya 2 5.76 5.02
31 Mizoram 8 23.04 19.38
32 Nagaland 2 7.56 6.84
33 Sikkim 2 6.84 4.82
34 Tripura 10 31.32 25.8
Total 61 184.68 141.71
Grand Total 613 1787.76 1457.05


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