(a) the details of the aims and objectives of the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) being implemented in the country;

(b) whether in some States not even a single Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) has been distributed during the last two years under the BLY;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the progress of the scheme in North-Eastern States, particularly in Tripura?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) scheme aims to distribute the Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to the households at a price equivalent to the price of the conventional incandescent Lamp (ICL) i.e. Rs.15 per lamp. Three types of ICL lamp wattages commonly in use viz. 40W, 60W and 100W are likely to be replaced by the CFL wattages of 9-10W, 12-15W and 20-23W respectively under the BLY scheme. The BLY scheme upon implementation would result in reducing(estimated) :-

1. 6000 MW of electricity generation capacity translating into a potential saving of INR 24000 crores per annum.

2. Combined Green House Gases (GHG) emission savings of 20 million tonnes of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) from grid-connected power plants.

(b) & (c): Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) is available for all states and the implementation is to be initiated by the State Electricity Distribution Companies. It has presently been initiated in the following 17 States:

1.	Andhra Pradesh

2. Chhattisgarh

3. Kerala

4. Uttarakhand

5. Orissa

6. Goa

7. West Bengal

8. Delhi

9. Haryana

10. Himachal Pradesh

11. Punjab

12. Uttar Pradesh

13. Rajasthan

14. Karnataka

15. Tamil Nadu

16. Maharashtra

17. Madhya Pradesh

The CFL distribution has been undertaken in Kerala and few parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra.

(d): Assam has issued a tender to select the project implementor for Bachat Lamp Yojana and Tripura is negotiating with the project implementors for BLY implementation in the state.