(a) whether the Government have received 18 proposals from the Government of Rajasthan for the sanction of special projects under SGSY costing Rs. 128.30 crore;

(b) if so, whether only 4 projects have been sanctioned so far;

(c) the status of the remaining proposals pending with the Government; and

(d) the time by which these are likely to be cleared/ approved ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Under the Special Project component of the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), 37 project proposals have so far been received from the Government of Rajasthan, of which 9 project proposals have been sanctioned by the Ministry of Rural Development. The list of the sanctioned projects, alongwith Central shares of the project cost and Central releases made so far, is enclosed at Annexure-I.

2. The remaining 28 project proposals were examined and not found to be in conformity with the Special Project Guidelines of the SGSY. The list of these projects, alongwith their status, is enclosed at Annexure-II.


List of Special Projects, sanctioned for Rajasthan under the SGSY during ,2000-2001&2001-2002.

(Rs. In lakhs)
No. Name of the Special Project Share of ProjTotal Released
1 2 3 4 1 Special Project for construction of Water 369.525 334.562 2 Special Project for Community Managed Wat 634.700 238.010 3 Special Project for Water Development in 873.750 349.500 4 Special Project under SGSY for Developme 289.910 115.960 5 Special Project for the community -manag 166.500 66.600 6 Special Project for construction of Lo 564.300 225.700 7 Special Project for Development of BPL 883.500 353.000 8 Special Project for setting up of Permane 525.000 210.000 9 Special Project for Sikar Dairy Project 825.000 330.000 Total 5132.185 2223.332

Statement showing status of projects that are either referred back to the State Government or rejected.
Sl. N Name of project Status of project
1Financial Assistance for expansion of dairProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 2Financial Assistance of promotion of incomProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 3Financial Assistance for construction of bProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 4Special project on Anicuts in P.S. Bhim blProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 5Special project for poverty alleviation inProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 6Special project for marketing arrangement Project was not in accordance with the Guideline 7Proposal for installation of chilling centProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 8Project for development of Animal HusbandrProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 9Project for infrastructure development of The proposal was referred back to the State Gove 10Project report on integrated rain water haProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 11Special project on expansion of Bhilwara dProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 12Project for expansion of dairy plant and iProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 13Innovative Goat development project for weProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 14Project for expansion of dairy plant of ChProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 15Project for installation of wooden FurnituProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 16Project for establishment of handloom weavProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 17Project for construction of chilling plantProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 18Project for development of dairy activitieProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 19Project for development of Animal HusbandrProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 20Project for installation of Chilling centrThe proposal was referred back to the State Gove 21Project for installation of Cattle feed plProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 22Special project on water harvesting structProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 23Project for construction of Keriya cross -Project was not in accordance with the Guideline 24Project for development of Animal HusbandrProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 25Special project for community managed wateProject was not in accordance with the Guideline 26Special project for infrastructure developProject was sent to the State Government seeking 27Project report for infrastructure developmProject was sent to the State Government seeking 28Project proposal for Integrated Poverty AlProject was not in accordance with the Guideline