Question : Traffic Snarls

Will the MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) Whether traffic snarls and congestion have been experience due to construction of various Metro Rail projects in the country and if so, the details thereof and the corrective action taken;
(b) The details of financial assistance, both national and international provided to these projects during the last three years and the current year, project and year-wise;
(c) The details of funds provided through long term loans for metro projects; and
(d) The details of repayment of such loans by various metro rail corporations so far, corporation-wise?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : The metro rail projects are infrastructure projects which require massive construction work (elevated and underground)
along/side of the roads. To avoid traffic snarls during construction of Metro Rail Projects, the following actions are being taken by the implementing agencies:
• Alternate routes are planned in consultation with local traffic police;
• Roads are widened;
• Signages for traffic diversions are displayed;
• Trained traffic marshals are deployed on critical locations, road junctions, bus stops etc; and
• Regular meetings and inspections of sites are taken up by implementing agencies with traffic police officials to sort out traffic issues.
As a result of the above steps, the traffic congestion experienced on account of ongoing construction work of metro rail projects is eased out.

(b), (c) & (d): The details in respect of metro rail projects being implemented on 50:50 joint venture of Government of India and State/Union Territory Government are given in Annexure.


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