Question : Features of PMAY

a) the salient features of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) under Housing for All;

(b) the details of funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under the said yojana in Rajasthan and Assam during the last three years and the current year along with the details of the target set and achievements made so far;

(c) the number of beneficiaries covered so far under this yojana in above States;

(d) whether the Government has any data of the remaining uncovered beneficiaries likely to be covered under the said scheme in aforesaid States particularly those who are living in rural areas;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the time by which remaining people are likely to be covered under the said scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a): In pursuance of the Government’s vision of “Housing for All”, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) since 25.06.2015 for giving Central assistance to States/ Union Territories (UTs) for providing all-weather pucca houses to all eligible households in urban areas including rural areas falling within Notified Planning/ Development area under the jurisdiction of an Industrial Development Authority/ Special Area Development Authority/ Urban Development Authority or any such Authority under State legislation which is entrusted with the functions of urban planning and regulations. This Ministry provides different levels of Central assistance to States/ UTs for each beneficiary under following four verticals of the Scheme:
S. No. Vertical Central assistance to each beneficiary
1. Beneficiary-led individual house construction/ enhancement (BLC)* ?1.50 lakh
2. Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP)* ?1.50 lakh
3. “In-situ” Slum Redevelopment (ISSR)* ? 1.00 lakh
4. Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) Category (Annual household income) Loan Amount Interest subsidy
Economically Weaker Section (up to ?3,00,000) up to ?6 lakhs 6.5 %
Low Income Group (from ?3,00,001 to ?6,00,000)

* For beneficiaries belonging to Economically Weaker Section having annual household income up to ? 3.00 lakh.

Eligibility criteria for selection of beneficiaries as per Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) guidelines and other salient features of the Scheme are available at PMAY-U website, which can be accessed at the weblink

(b) & (c): A total of 2,33,124 and 1,67,946 houses have been sanctioned in States of Rajasthan and Assam respectively; out of which, 1,53,305 and 44,036 houses have been completed/ delivered to beneficiaries and remaining are at various stages of construction/ grounding.The details of funds sanctioned, released and utilised under PMAY-U in the States of Assam and Rajasthan during the last three years and the current year are as under:
Details Assam Rajasthan
Central assistance sanctioned
(? in Crore) 1,249.08 2,842.22
Central assistance released (? in Crore) 642.39 2,517.52
Central assistance utilised (? in Crore) 636.20 2,252.87

(d) to (f): ‘Land’ and ‘Colonization’ are State subjects. Identification and selection of beneficiaries comes under the purview of concerned State/ UT Government. States/ UTs formulate project proposals as per their assessed demand of houses under the Scheme in a phased manner based on their resources and get them approved by State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (SLSMC). After approval from concerned SLSMC, States/ UTs submit the proposal to this Ministry for approval of Central assistance by Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee (CSMC). This Ministry does not maintain data related to person who were not allotted house under the Scheme.

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