(a) whether the Government is aware that shelterlessness was aimed to be removed in rural areas under the Indira Awas Yojana by the end of the Ninth Five Year Plan period but only 50.34 lakh houses were constructed/upgraded upto March, 2002 against the target of 109.53 lakh housing units;

(b) if so, the reasons for constructing /upgrading less number of houses particularly in Rajasthan State as compared to other states;

(c) whether the Government is also aware that the money released for rural housing was not spent in many States on the programme but misappropriated or expenditure incurred in excess of the approved norms;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) the reasons for the same; and

(f) the steps taken towards achieving the targets within stipulated time and full utilization of funds meant for the purpose?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): As per the information available with this Ministry, around 85.95 lakh houses were constructed/upgraded in rural areas under the Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) upto the end of the Ninth Five Year Plan i.e. March, 2002 since its inception against the target of 95.26 lakh houses. The year-wise targets are fixed on the basis of unit cost of the Indira Awaas Yojana houses and annual budget available. The marginal shortage is due to unspent opening balance with the States/Union Territories. By the end of the Ninth Five Year Plan, the State Government of Rajasthan was implementing the IAY satisfactorily by constructing 361633 IAY houses against the target of 315831 houses (114.50%).

(c) to (e): Some cases of mis-utilization/mis-appropriation or expenditure incurred in excess of the approved norms, as reported in Comptroller & Audit General (C&AG)`s Report, were brought to the notice of the concerned State Governments for remedial measures, as the rural housing schemes are implemented by the State/Union Territories Governments.

(f): The Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) is an ongoing allocation based scheme. Under this Scheme, targets for the construction of houses are fixed annually based upon the availability of funds. The progress under the scheme is constantly monitored and the states are advised wherever necessary to streamline the implementation process. The Bharat Nirman Programme of the Government of India which is a business plan designed to tackle the infrastructure needs of the rural sector also addresses the issue of rural housing shortage. To be implemented over a four year period starting from 2005-2006, a total of 60 lakh houses are proposed to be constructed for the rural shelterless families under this programme.