Question : Overseas Scholarship

(a) the funds released for National Overseas Scholarship for Scheduled Tribe (ST) students during the last four years and the number of applications received;
(b) the eligibility criteria and income ceiling under the Scheme;
(c) the subjects/ disciplines in which courses may be undertaken for grant of Scholarship and the duration of award with financial assistance;
(d) whether it is a fact that over the years the Scholarship Scheme has failed to get suitable candidates, as a result the funds for the Scheme remain largely underutilised and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the Government proposes to change the eligibility criteria, if so, the details thereof; and
(f) whether lack of coordination between the Ministries has failed to reach the beneficiaries and whether flexibility has been introduced for courses of study to be undertaken by students and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Details of funds released under National Overseas Scholarship for Scheduled Tribe (ST) students and the number of applications received during the last four years is as under:

Year No. of Applications Fund Release (Rs. in lakh)
2014-15 43 99.13
2015-16 24 39.04
2016-17 43 39.00
2017-18 96 100.00
Total 206 277.17

(b) The eligibility criteria and income ceiling under the Scheme is as under:-
(i) Minimum Qualifications
(a) For Post-Doctoral: 55% marks or equivalent grade in relevant Master’s Degree and Ph.D.
(b) For Ph.D. : 55% marks or equivalent grade in relevant Master’s Degree.
(c) For Masters’ Degree: 55% marks or equivalent grade in relevant Bachelor’s Degree.

(ii) AGE
Below 35 years, as on first day of July of the relevant year of the award.
Total family income from all sources of the employed candidate or his/her parents/guardians or spouse should not exceed Rs. 6.00 lakh per annum.

Not more than one child of the same parents/guardians is eligible.

(c) Illustrative List of identified subject/disciplines under the Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship for ST students is at Annexure-I. Financial assistance is provided under the scheme till completion of course or the following period, whichever is earlier:-
(a) For Post-Doctoral: One and half year.
(b) For Ph.D.: Four years.
(c) For Masters’ Degree: one/two/three years depending upon duration of the course.

(d) No Madam. The Number of ST students selected under the scheme and fund utilization has increased over the years. Details of Funds released and number of selected candidates under the scheme of National Overseas scholarship (NOS) from 2015-16 to 2018-19 is as under:-
(? in lakhs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(As on 07.02.2019)
Fund Released Selected Candidates Fund Released Selected Candidates Fund Released Selected Candidates Fund Released Selected Candidates
39.04 15 39.00 16 100.00 20 183.07 Selection under process

(e) No such proposal for change in eligibility criteria is presently under consideration in the Ministry.

(f) No Madam. There is no lack of coordination. List of courses being offered under the scheme is as per above Annexure-I referred to in part (c) above. This list covers a number of subjects/disciplines that could be opted for by the eligible students. However, this list is only illustrative and not exhaustive and intention is to offer flexibility to the students.


Annexure referred to in reply to Part (c) of Lok Sabha U.S.Q. No.1377 due for answer on 11.02.2019 regarding " Overseas Scholarship".
Illustrative List of identified subject/disciplines under the Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship for ST students

No. Name of the field of study Subjects included in the field of study

Engineering and Medicine 1.Bio-technology/Genetic Engineering
2. Industrial Environmental Engineering
3. Nano-Technology
4. Marine Engineering
5. Petro-Chemical Engineering
6. Plastic Technology
7. Cryogenic Engineering
8. Mechatronics
9. Automation Robotics in including Artificial Intelligence
10. Laser Technology
11. Radiology
12. Low Temperature Thermal Dynamics
13. Dock and Harbor Engineering
14. Imaging System Technology
15. Composite Materials Engineering including Decentralized Power Distribution(for Solar Heat) system, Energy Storage Engineering, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficient Habitat Engineering
16. Packaging Engineering./Technology
17. Nuclear Engineering
18. Information Technology including Computer Engineering, Software, Software Quality Assurance, Networking/Connectivity Engineering, Communication System under Hazardous or Post disaster conditions, Multi-media Communication
20. Industrial Safety Engineering
21. Neurology
22. Pediatrics
23. Psychiatry
24. Reproductive health
25. Oncology
26. Nuclear Medicine

Agriculture/Allied field 1.Agriculture and Agro Technology
4.Floriculture & Landscaping
5.Food Sciences & Technology
6.Forestry & Natural Resources
8.Plant Pathology
9.Farm Power & Machinery
11.Veterinary Sciences
12.Soils & Water Management
13.Plant Breeding & Genetics
14.Small-scale Rural Technology
3 Humanities and Social Science 1. Economics
2. Anthropology
3. Sociology
4. Journalism & Mass Communication
4. Pure Science/Applied Science 1. Ocean and Atmospheric Science
2. Mathematics
3. Molecular Biology
4. Physics
5. Finance/ Management 1.Coporate Finance
2. Development Finance
3.Business management

Note: The list of course as per above table is only illustrative and not exhaustive.

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