Question : Starvation Deaths

(a) the number of people affected due to starvation across the country during the financial year 2013-14, State-wise;
(b) the names of schemes formulated by the Government for people facing starvation during the last four years and the current financial year; and
(c) the names of schemes which have been implemented by the Government so far across the country, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): No State Government/Union Territory Administration has reported any incidence of starvation in the country.
To provide food security to the vulnerable population, the Government has been providing foodgrains at highly subsidized prices to the targeted population through State Governments/Union Territory Administrations under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in terms of National Food Security Act, 2013 and Other Welfare Schemes (OWSs) such as Mid-Day Meal Scheme, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, Scheme for Adolescent Girls, Annapurna Scheme, Welfare Institutions and Hostels Scheme, etc.
National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 provides for coverage of upto 75% of the rural population and upto 50% of the urban population, thus covering about two-thirds of the population of the country for receiving highly subsidized foodgrains. Households covered under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) are entitled to receive 35 kg of foodgrains per household per month @ Rs. 3, 2 & 1 per kg for rice, wheat & nutri-cereals respectively, under the Act. The priority households are entitled to receive 5 kg of foodgrains per person per month at the above prices. During the year 2018-19, the Government has so far allocated a quantity of 609.52 lakh MT of foodgrains to the States/UTs under NFSA, Other Welfare Schemes and allocations due to natural calamities and festivals.

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