Question : New Solar Power Policy

(a) whether the Government proposes to launch a new Solar Power Policy or Solar Mission, incorporating a number of concessions and a lot of financial inputs for those involved in the manufacturing of solar power generation devices;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the salient features of the new policy and the time by which it is likely to be announced;

(c) whether the Government has taken up the issue with the Finance Ministry for exemption of customs and excise duty on all input raw materials required for manufacturing of solar power devices; and

(d) if so, the extent to which these measures would help in improving the renewable energy and in improving the solar power capacity?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): No, Madam. The Government has revised the National Solar Mission target of Grid Connected Solar Power projects from 20,000 MW by 2022 to1,00,000 MW by 2022. The revised National Solar Mission is under implementation.
It is planned to achieve the revised target of 1,00,000MW by setting up Distributed Rooftop Solar Projects and Medium & Large Scale Solar Projects, the break-up of which is as under:-
Category I Proposed Capacity
(MW) Category
II Proposed Capacity
Rooftop Solar 40,000 Scheme for Decentralized Generation of Solar Energy Projects by Unemployed Youths & Farmers 10,000
PSUs 10,000
Large Private Sector/IPPs 5,000
SECI 5,000
Under State Policies 20,000
Ongoing programmes incl. past achievements 10,000
Total 40,000 60,000
(c)&(d): The exemption of custom and excise duty is already applicable for several input raw materials for manufacturing of solar power devices. This helps to reduce the cost solar power.

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