Question : Water Quality Testing Laboratories

(a) the details of the criteria laid down for setting up of Water Quality Testing Laboratories (WQTLs) along with the number of such laboratories set up in the country at various levels, State-wise;

(b) the details of the States where these laboratories have not been set up so far at district level indicating the reasons therefor, State-wise;

(c) the details of the alternative arrangements made or being made for testing the quality of water where WQTLs have not been set up at the district level;

(d) whether the Government proposes to establish more (WQTLs) in rural areas of the country at various levels;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) whether any institutional mechanism exists for testing of water quality in these laboratories and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): Details of the criteria for setting up of Water Quality Testing Laboratories such as manpower, space, chemicals, equipments, glasswares and parameters to be tested along with frequency of testing at different levels of laboratories etc. have been mentioned in Uniform Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Protocol, which was widely circulated to all the States by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation in February 2013. In addition, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), has specified relevant Indian Standard (IS) Code in drinking water specification IS: 10500 and subsequent amendments thereof, to be followed for testing various parameters. State-wise number of different level Water Quality Testing Laboratories (WQTLs) have been set up as reported by the States into Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry as on 02nd April,2018 is at Annexure-I.
State-wise number of districts wherein district level water quality testing laboratories are not setup, as reported by the States into IMIS of the Ministry as on 01stApril,2018 is at Annexure-II.Setting up of laboratories is based on the specific requirements and local conditions.
The Ministry through various forums and meetings had informed to set up district level water quality testing laboratory immediately where such facility was not available. Till such laboratories are set up at district level, testing of water quality need to be carried out using services of adjoining functional laboratories / engaging efficient third party agencies so that water quality is tested regularly.
Under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), upto 5% of the funds released to States can be utilized for Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQMS), which inter alia include taking up works relating to setting up of new / up-gradation of State / District / Sub-Division / Block levels / mobile water quality testing laboratories, providing chemicals and consumables to laboratories, providing field test kits / refills to Gram Panchayats etc.


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