(a) whether the Government have reviewed the role and performance of Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) for the past three years ending March 31, 2000 in terms of standard performance assessment norms;

(b) if so, the details thereof, year-wise and State-wise in general and Maharashtra in particular;

(c) total number of SSI registered units in Maharashtra as on March 31, 2000, employment provided, investment made, estimated cost of production, exports, number of sick/closed units and capital locked up in the same; and

(d) the role of SIDBI in revival and promotion of SSI sector in Maharashtra, major achievements and plan of action for the current year and next five years?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): In terms of Section 30(5) of the Small Industries Development Bank of India Act, 1989, the Annual Report and accounts of the SIDBI are laid on the Table of both Houses of the Parliament every year. Further, in accordance with the recommendations contained in the 2nd Report of the Parliamentary Committee on papers laid on the Table of both the Houses (VI Lok Sabha) the `Review` on the working of Small Industries Development Bank of India highlighting its objectives and achievements is also laid before both Houses of Parliament. The performance of SIDBI during 1997-98 and 1998-99 is as under:-

(Rs. crores)
Items 1997-98 1998-99
Sanctions 7,484 8,830 Disbursements 5,241 6,235 Income 1,409 1,579 Profit 405 450 Networth 2,029 2,359 Portfolio Size 12,862 14,209 Standard Assets (%) 95.9 96.9
The details of the SIDBI assistance during last three years for 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99 State-wise including Maharashtra are given at Annexure.

(c): Total number of permanent small scale registered units in Maharashtra as on 31st March, 2000 is 1,53,826 and that for the provisionally registered units is 1,39,665. Employment provided in the permanent registered units is 21,80,000. Investment made is Rs. 23,116 crores. As per information available from the Reserve Bank of India, the number of sick units upto March, 1999 is 13,373 involving loan of Rs. 510.40 crores. Data on cost of production and exports are not maintained State-wise.

(d): With a view to promoting SSI units, the SIDBI extends financial assistance to the small scale sector for setting up of new projects, modernisation and diversification of existing units, marketing of SSI products, rehabilitation of potentially viable sick SSI units, export promotion, etc. through direct and indirect financing schemes. SIDBI sanctioned and disbursed a sum of Rs. 58.33 crores and Rs. 29.98 crores respectively to 1185 sick units by way of refinance rehabilitation to PLIs upto 31st March, 1999. Financial assistance provided in Maharashtra by the SIDBI is as under:-
(Rs. crores)
Sanctions Disbursements
1990-96 3469.34 2627.59 1996-97 1144.08 708.49 1997-98 1176.82 835.71 1998-99 849.77 827.82 1990-99 6640.01 4999.61 (Cumulative)
All the promotional and development activities currently under implementation would continue in the next five years subject to review based on performance and requirements from time to time.