(a) whether it is a fact that the Union Government has decided to have a uniform rate of
drugs inclusive of the local taxes printed on the medicine packs for the benefit of the consumers;
(b) if so, the facts thereof;
(c) whether it is a fact that the rate of local taxes vary from State to State and the manner in which the Government propose to resolve this issue in consultation with the State Governments;
(d) if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether it was also decided to print the price of the drugs and the sales tax to be charged thereon separately on the pack in view of the varying rates of the taxes;
(f) if so, the detail thereof;
(g) whether any final decision has been taken to resolve the issues related to non inclusion of local levies in the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) for medicines; and
(h) if so, the detail thereof?