Question : Vaccines available for COVID-19

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) the details of vaccine types available and being administered for COVID-19 presently in the country;
(b) the total number of people vaccinated among, above 45 years of age and between 18-44 years of age. dose/vaccine/State/UT wise;
(c) whether people administered with Covaxin have been able to get the 2nd dose and if so, the details thereof along with the number of people who are yet to get 2nd dose of Covaxin, State/UT-wise; and
(d) the measures taken by the Government to make Covaxin available across the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Three vaccines, namely Covishield manufactured by M/s Serum Institute of India, Covaxin manufactured by M/s Bharat Biotech International Limited and Sputnik V that have been granted permission for restricted use in emergency situation by the National Regulator i.e. Drugs Controller General of India [DCG(I)]. These vaccines are being currently used under the Covid-19 vaccination programme in India. In addition, Moderna vaccine has also been granted permission by the National Regulator.

The details of total number of people vaccinated above 45 years of age and between 18-44 years of age is at Annexure-1 and 2 respectively.

As on 2nd August 2021, a total of 3.65 crore people (including HCWs and FLWs) have been administered the 1st dose of Covaxin and 1.96 crore people have been administered the 2nd dose. Not all the beneficiaries who have received the first dose have become eligible for receiving the second dose. As the beneficiaries become due for the second dose arrangements for their 2nd dose administration are provided by the respective States/UTs based on the vaccine availability.

The Government of India regularly reviews the progress of National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme with all States/UTs. Government of India is also providing 15 days advance visibility of COVID-19 vaccines availability to States/UTs with an advice to prepare and publicize in advance District-wise & CVC-wise plan for accelerating the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination and for maximizing the convenience of citizens. States/UTs have been advised to prioritize the vaccination for those whose 2nd dose is due. States have been advised that completion of both doses is significant from the point of view of not only pandemic management but also to afford full protection to the beneficiaries. Following measures are suggested to States/UTs for increasing the coverage of 2nd dose:
• Utilize the advance visibility/information of vaccine supplies for efficient planning of prioritizing the second dose coverage.
• Undertake regular review of beneficiaries due for 2nd dose & direct the concerned officials to focus on timely completion of their vaccine schedule
• Earmark certain percentage of monthly vaccine allocation for the 2nd dose or earmark certain days or specified time period during the day for the 2nd dose administration at each COVID-19 vaccination center.
• Establishing separate queues for 1st and 2nd dose beneficiaries at the COVID-19 Vaccination centers
• Mounting a special IEC campaign to sensitize beneficiaries about the need and significance of getting the 2nd dose, thus increasing the acceptance and demand for the same.

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