Question : Drought Advisory

(a) whether the Centre had issued a “drought advisory” to six States in India recently asking them to use water judiciously as the water storage in dams dropped to a critical level;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether a delay in the arrival of monsoon has pushed the country’s rainfall deficiency in June to 45 per cent and if so, the details and the facts thereof; and
(d) whether any measures are being or have been taken by the Government to combat drought like situation and ensure adequate water supply to affected regions/ States and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (b) Based on the reservoir storage position, Central Water Commission issued advisories during May to July, 2019 to 11 State Governments viz. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand for Judicious use of available water.

(c) The onset of monsoon over Kerala was delayed in the current year and occurred on 8th June 2019 against the normal date of 1st June. Afterwards also there was a delay in the progress of monsoon further due to weakening of monsoon current, in view of formation of a cyclonic Storm ‘VAYU’ in the Arabian Sea. The State-wise rainfall statistics of monsoon rainfall during 1st June to 11th July 2019 are attached at Annexure. The rainfall deficiency for the month of June 2019 for the country as a whole is -33% which has improved to -12 % till 11 July 2019.

(d) Water being a State subject, initiatives on water management, supply & conservation is primarily States’ responsibility. Central Government provides technical and financial assistance through various schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) and National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).


Under NRDWP Rs.5466.24 crore has been released to the States during 2018-19. In case of water crisis, State may utilise upto 25% of NRDWP funds under Flexi component to restore damaged water supply.

During 2016-17, ninety-nine on-going Major Medium irrigation (MMI) projects under PMKSY- Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), having ultimate irrigation potential of 76.03 lakh ha and balance estimated cost of Rs.77595 crore have been prioritized in consultation with States with an aim to enhance physical access of water on farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on farm water use efficiency, introduce sustainable water conservation practices etc.

54 projects benefitting drought prone areas in 11 States are part of the 99 prioritized PMKSY-AIBP projects. Central Government provides Central Assistance (CA) with higher funding ratio i.e. 60:40 (Centre: State) to irrigation projects situated in drought prone areas.

A Special Package for completion of Irrigation Projects in Vidarbha, Marathwada and other chronically drought prone areas of rest of Maharashtra has been approved during 2018-19. Under the Special Package, 8 MMI projects and 83 surface minor irrigation projects with a balance cost of Rs 13,651.607 crore as on 01.04.2018 have been planned to be completed in a phased manner up to 2022-23. The targeted additional potential through these projects is 3.77 lakh ha. During 2018-19 and 2019-20 (so far) Rs.500 crore and Rs.160 crore respectively have been released as CA under the Special Package.

Central Government also supports construction of water harvesting and conservation works primarily through Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) aided by PMKSY– Watershed Development Component and PMKSY– Per Drop More Crop. Under these Schemes, during the last three years, 17,56,027 water harvesting and conservations works have been completed for which Rs.23,435.67 crore was released as Central share.

Other measures taken by the Central Government to combat drought like situation, control water depletion and promote rain water harvesting/ conservation are at URL:


Annexure referred to in reply to part (c) of Unstarred Question No.4205 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 18.07.2097 on “Drought Advisory”

State-Wise Rainfall (mm) statistics from 1st June to 11th July 2019

S. No. States Period: 01.06.2019 to 30.06.2019
Actual Normal % Dep. Category
East & North East India
1 Arunachal Pradesh 310.3 490.7 -37% Deficient
2 Assam 314.2 418.3 -25% Deficient
3 Meghalaya 615.7 792.8 -22% Deficient
4 Nagaland 190.7 282.8 -33% Deficient
5 Manipur 155.1 425.3 -64% Large Deficient
6 Mizoram 273.9 435.5 -37% Deficient
7 Tripura 316.7 460.1 -31% Deficient
8 Sikkim 486.0 425.4 14% Normal
9 West Bengal 162.4 316.7 -49% Deficient
10 Jharkhand 89.6 199.9 -55% Deficient
11 Bihar 98.7 167.7 -41% Deficient
North West India
1 Uttar Pradesh 37.3 94.8 -61% Large Deficient
2 Uttarakhand 84.3 177.8 -53% Deficient
3 Haryana 18.9 47.5 -60% Large Deficient
4 Chandigarh (UT) 24.8 130.2 -81% Large Deficient
5 Delhi 6.6 62.1 -89% Large Deficient
6 Punjab 25.0 50.4 -50% Deficient
7 Himachal Pradesh 54.2 100.5 -46% Deficient
8 Jammu & Kashmir 79.2 73.9 7% Normal
9 Rajasthan 45.7 50.2 -9% Normal
Central India
1 Odisha 146.4 217.7 -33% Deficient
2 Madhya Pradesh 70.4 120.9 -42% Deficient
3 Gujarat 84.8 113.6 -25% Deficient
4 Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT) 364.7 349.1 4% Normal
5 Daman & Diu (UT) 236.8 280.6 -16% Normal
6 Goa 781.7 898.3 -13% Normal
7 Maharashtra 155.3 207.6 -25% Deficient
8 Chhatisgarh 129.4 193.5 -33% Deficient
South Peninsula
1 A & N Island (UT) 662.2 413.7 60% Large Excess
2 Andhra Pradesh 61.1 91.0 -33% Deficient
3 Telangana 86.3 132.0 -35% Deficient
4 Tamilnadu 33.6 54.1 -38% Deficient
5 Puducherry (UT) 30.5 73.0 -58% Deficient
6 Karnataka 152.8 199.3 -23% Deficient
7 Kerala 358.5 643.0 -44% Deficient
8 Lakshadweep (UT) 243.5 330.3 -26% Deficient
Country As a Whole 112.1 166.9 -33%


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