Question : Single-Use Plastic

(a) whether the Government has taken steps to end single-use plastic, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(b) whether the State Governments have also agreed to end single-use plastic and if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the steps being taken to incentivise various establishments for not using plastic?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) The Government has notified Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. The Rules prohibit the use of carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastic less than fifty microns in thickness. Sachets made of plastic material for storing, packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala are also prohibited. As per the Rules, the generators of waste have been mandated to take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste, not to litter the plastic waste, ensure segregated storage of waste at source and handover segregated waste to local bodies or agencies authorized by the local bodies. The rules also mandate the responsibilities of local bodies, gram panchayats, waste generators, retailers and street vendors to manage plastic waste. The rules mandate the producers, importers and brand owners to work out modalities for waste collection system based on the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility.

Further, considering the high environmental cost associated with the use of single-use plastic, particularly the adverse effect on soil, water bodies and on marine environment, Hon’ble Prime Minister has announced India’s pledge to phase out Single-use plastic by 2022. Many States/UTs through their own notifications have also imposed partial or complete prohibition on the use of plastic carry bags/single use plastic. 23 States and 9 UTs have issued notifications/orders introducing regulations pertaining to complete ban on plastic carry bags and/or other single-use plastic items.

Establishments are not directly incentivized for not using plastics, however, the producers, importers and brand owners have now initiated steps to set up material recovery facilities by their own or through the Producers Responsibility Organizations (PRO) for collection of plastic waste and are tying up with the registered recyclers for the recycling of plastic waste. This EPR mechanism has created additional source of income for recyclers.Further, the producers, importers and brand owners are switching towards alternate packaging to reduce the EPR cost.


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