(a) & (b): The information is being collected.
(c) & (d): No Madam. Subsidy on diesel is only one of the factors that make diesel cars more
economical. Other factors are higher fuel efficiency of diesel cars and better performance in
terms of higher torque and improved vehicle handling on the road.
Diesel vehicles play an important role in turning the wheels of the economy, reducing fuel
consumption, contributing to energy security of the country, employment and growth.
(e): Government has no plan to specifically discourage the manufacturing of diesel vehicles.
However, a number of integrated comprehensive efforts are required to mitigate the adverse
effect on environment, caused by a number of factors. Government has launched the National
Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 to provide a common roadmap for hastening the manufacturing
and adoption of electric vehicles in the country. The ultimate objective of NEMMP 2020 is to
enhance the energy security of the country and reduce the impact of transportation on
environment through electric and hybrid vehicles by shifting away from all gasoline based
transportations including diesel. Based on detailed stakeholders consultations and an in-depth
study, the Government approved taking up of this initiative on a mission mode approach.