Question : Economic Reform

(a)whether India has underlined the need for a judicious mix of fiscal, monetary and structural policies by major economies to deal with the heightened uncertainty on account of Brexit and if so, the details thereof;

(b)whether the Government is contemplating to unveil some new economic reforms in the county and if so, the details thereof along with the sectors identified for reforms;

(c)whether the Government has also considered post Brexit impact on country’s financial health before decision of economic reforms and the economic growth projected by the think tank for the next three years; and

(d)whether the Government is also planning to sell its loss making Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) as part of its economic reforms and the PSUs identified for this purpose and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Yes, Madam.

In context of recent developments arising out of Brexit, India recognizes the need for a judicious mix of fiscal, monetary and structural policies by major economies. India’s macroeconomic fundamentals are strong and the Government and the RBI are closely monitoring the post Brexit situation to ensure market stability. The Government has been focusing on structural reforms and measures with the approach of ‘Reform to Transform’ to boost investment climate with job creation in the country.

(d) No, Madam.

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