Question : Jute Bags

(a) whether the decision of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) communicated vide 22nd November, 2018 stipulating that 100 per cent food grains and 20 per cent sugar shall be mandatorily packed in diversified jute bags has been implemented, if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Central Government is procuring the same from the Jute Industries of West Bengal, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether any measures are proposed to be taken by the Government, if the said decision made by the CCEA pertaining to jute bags is note implemented and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): An Order dated 30.11.2018 was published in Gazette of India to bring into effect the decision of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) communicated vide 22nd November, 2018 stipulating that 100 per cent food grains and 20 per cent sugar shall be mandatorily packed in diversified jute bags. However, in case of any shortage or disruption in supply of jute sacks the Ministry of Textiles in consultation with user Ministries may allow further dilution upto a maximum of thirty percent. Whenever, there is a shortfall or possibility of one, the office of Jute Commissioner issues expeditors to jute mills and Indian Jute Mills Association (IJMA) for meeting supply backlogs, based on realistic assessment of their capacities and other parameters and consultations. Despite these measures, when the supply quantity is not materialized, the Office of Jute Commissioner recommends for dilution of HDPE/PP bags.

The Production cum Supply Orders (PCSOs) are issued to the respective jute mills for supply of orders to the State Procurement Agencies (SPAs). The Office of Jute Commissioner issues PCSOs to the jute mills (including mills from West Bengal) for supply of jute bags after receiving indents form SPAs. A list of mills situated in west Bengal is at Annexure.

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